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One Light in the Darkness Book One: Losing the Light

A story about Lux from Runeterra. A story of the Legend of Legends. What kind of story, you’ll have to read to find out.

Lux is used to hiding her magic from everyone... but one day, trying to control her light went badly wrong...

Lux has become the captive of the rebels that have taken over Demacia...

Luxanna Crownguard expected life as a slave to King Sylas to be bad. She had no idea just how bad it would be.

Lux, having woken up, is trying to finish what she came to Noxus to do... but runs into some complications along the way.

Captured in Noxus, Lux struggles to figure out the borders between reality and her nightmares...

Lux, safely home in Demacia, tries to understand the truth of her condition... and has to make some difficult choices.

As Lux flees Demacia, an assassin hunts her through the darkness...

Katarina wakes up in a compromised position... and Lux's life changes for good.

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