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The Emperor's Hand

Iwase, nestled in the embrace of towering mountains, was a tapestry woven with the soft clinks of temple bells and the occasional groan of wagon wheels on cobblestone. The town's heartbeat was gentle rather than clamorous, its people going about their days with a serene rhythm that matched the slow, steady flow of the nearby river.

Overlooking the tranquil scene below, perched like a sentinel on a cliff, stood a temple. It wasn't overly large or grand, like some of the vast temples in the lands below. It wasn't coated in gold and silver and other precious metals and stones. Its architecture, however, was a blend of ancient woodwork and intricate carvings, each detail whispering tales of old, and it was a beautiful building. The temple's presence was both commanding and comforting, its silhouette a dark stroke against the lighter hues of the sky.

The town was completely encircled by the rich forward, the only road into town cutting through the green. It was a lush, verdant expanse, the trees standing tall and proud, their leaves a vibrant, lively hue that promised life and growth. Flowers dotted the undergrowth, their colors a stark contrast to the deep greens, adding splashes of brightness that seemed almost magical. It was usually full of life... birds flitting from branch to branch, deer grazing from the brushes.

Today, however, the forest was unnaturally silent. No birds sang from the branches, no squirrels chattered as they scampered up trunks. Even the wind, usually a playful companion, had stilled its breath, leaving the leaves undisturbed. The silence was palpable, a heavy blanket that smothered the usual sounds of life. It was as if the world held its breath, waiting for something—or someone—to shatter the stillness.

Lyna crouched at the edge of the treeline, her piercing green eyes narrowing as she surveyed the small village of Iwase nestled below. The walls, barely high enough to come up to a man's shoulders, were laughably inadequate. She scanned the perimeter, noting the lack of guards. "Pathetic," she muttered under her breath, a smirk playing on her lips. "No challenge at all."

Behind Lyna, five hundred men stood poised in the dense woods, their presence as silent as the grave. These were not ordinary soldiers; they were the elite of Emperor Stefan Maximilian-Eugen von Falkenburg’s army, handpicked for their prowess and loyalty. Their armor, though heavy, did not clink; their breaths, though deep, were controlled. Yet, despite their discipline, a palpable excitement coursed through them, a low hum of anticipation that Lyna could feel even from where she crouched.

She couldn't blame them... all the steady discipline in the world couldn't erase their eagerness and predatory intent. They understood the thrill of conquest, the rush of power that came with overwhelming an unprepared foe. It was more than just duty; it was the thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction of claiming what was rightfully theirs under the Emperor's banner. Lyna's gaze lingered on the temple once more, her mind painting vivid images of her target within.

"How does it look, Lady Hand?" came a hushed voice from behind. It was Kael, a burly man with a scar running down his left cheek. Kael was the army's commander... and her second-in-command on this mission.

Lyna's appearance was striking, a blend of lethal grace and undeniable allure. Her long, blood-red hair cascaded down her back in wild waves, framing a face that was both fierce and beautiful. High cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and piercing green eyes that seemed to see through to the soul gave her an almost predatory look. Her lips, though often set in a firm line, were full and inviting, adding to her magnetic presence.

Her body was a testament to years of rigorous training and survival. Lean and muscular, every curve and contour spoke of strength and agility. Lyna's tight-fitting leather armor accentuated her physique, hugging her form like a second skin. The dark leather clung to her breasts, highlighting their fullness, while the cut of the armor emphasized her narrow waist and the flare of her hips. The leggings molded to her legs, showcasing the powerful muscles that rippled with every movement.

The armor was not just for show; it was designed for combat, allowing her to move with speed and precision. Small, hidden pockets held various tools and weapons, ready for any situation. The intricate patterns etched into the leather added a touch of elegance, contrasting with the practicality of its design... but it still clung to her ass and her breasts and drew every man's eyes.

She could feel Kael's attention on her, at least as hungry as any of his soldiers. Lyna's hand rested on the hilt of her enchanted pistol, its cool metal a comforting presence against her palm. It was a poignant reminder to anyone looking that she wasn't some vulnerable flower waiting to be plucked. A commander in the Empire's army was used to taking any woman he wanted...

But Lyna wasn't just any woman. She was the Emperor's Hand, and while this might be Kael's army, it was Lyna's mission.

Lyna didn't turn to look at the muscular man. "Lightly defended. The militia is barely a nuisance. Our real prize is up there." She pointed towards the temple perched on the mountain slopes, its silhouette stark against the fading twilight.

Kael followed her gaze. "The oracle, Chiasa. The Emperor will be pleased."

Lyna's gaze hardened as she imagined the fox-girl oracle, Chiasa, again. The thought of a beastkin ruling over this village grated against her deeply held beliefs. To Lyna, beastkin were little more than animals, subhuman and unworthy of the power they sometimes wielded. The idea that one such creature could possess the gift of foresight was an affront to her sensibilities.

She growled softly beneath her breath, her irritation palpable. "Pathetic," she muttered again, this time directed at the notion that such a being could hold sway over human affairs. Yet, Emperor Stefan Maximilian-Eugen von Falkenburg had heard the rumors of this fox woman's abilities and saw value in them. Oracles were rare and incredibly valuable, capable of seeing potential futures and guiding their rulers through treacherous paths... and the Emperor had long ago decreed that any such gift belonged rightfully only to him.

Chiasa wouldn't come willingly to the Empire... the emperor was under no illusions about that. The treatment that women were subjected to within its borders was notorious, and any self-respecting woman would rather die than be taken back there. That was why he had sent Lyna—someone with the magical prowess to shield her army from the fox's vision, someone skilled in breaking those who resisted, someone capable of achieving the impossible.

Lyna's mind drifted back to her early years, memories etched with the harshness of survival. In the Empire, the fate of women was often grim; almost every woman ended up a slave eventually. Free women were usually raped and tortured until they would sign their freedom away, or until some magistrate would sign off on a crime they supposedly committed. The brutality was relentless, a constant shadow over any semblance of autonomy.

Oddly, Lyna considered herself lucky to have been born into slavery. It meant she had avoided that initial wave of violence and degradation that so many others suffered through. It hadn't spared her entirely, of course. From the moment she was old enough to appeal to her master, she had been relentlessly abused. The man's cruelty had known far fewer bounds than his decency had, and he had taken his pleasure with her often and without remorse. His guards, seeing her as nothing more than property, had followed suit, their hands rough and their intentions vile. Even among the slaves, there was little solidarity; some saw in her a target for their own twisted desires, their actions driven by a desperate need to assert power over someone weaker. Slaves had no rights, and Lyna was acutely aware that anyone who wanted her could take her whenever they desired.

The constant threat of violation was a shadow that loomed large over her every waking moment. Yet, even as a slave, she harbored a fierce determination to carve out her own path, to be an exception to the rule. She had never intended to remain a slave forever. That determination had been what taught her to defend herself. She watched, she learned, and she adapted, her body becoming both her weapon and her shield.

Enslaved women in the gladiatorial arenas were anomalies, and for good reasons... their fates were usually brutal upon defeat. Lyna, then, had been determined not to lose. She fought with a ferocity that matched her will to live, her victories piling up along with the corpses of those who stood against her as she climbed the ranks. Her prowess did not go unnoticed; her master, impressed by her skill and tenacity, elevated her to his right hand.

And shortly afterward, her master met with an unfortunate accident. Balconies were such dangerous places, especially when the slob had been drinking so much. It was such a tragedy.

Her reputation for competence and ruthlessness had grown solidly enough that one of her master's creditors, a lord named Duke Reke, had taken her to satisfy some of the debts from the estate. He was content to use her much the same way her former master had, as a fighter and a bed warmer... but Lyna had set her sights higher.

Duke Reke's ambitions often outstripped his intelligence. She had played her role well, feigning loyalty while quietly observing and learning. It wasn't long before she saw an opportunity to manipulate the duke's overinflated sense of self-worth. With careful words and subtle suggestions, she planted the seed of rebellion in his mind.

Lyna hinted at the glory that would be rightfully his after he was to ascend to the highest throne. The current Emperor was weak, the whispers said. Some of the nobles whispered for change. They yearned for a leader who could bring them prosperity. And the duke, drunk on visions of power, had fallen for her words hook, line, and sinker. He began to see himself as the rightful heir, the one destined to overthrow the existing regime. Lyna watched with satisfaction as he plotted, never suspecting that she was the true architect of his plans, that she had put the ideas in his mind.

Once the duke's plans were firmly in place and he had taken too many steps that could not be hidden or taken back, it was a simple matter to provide warning of the impending assassination attempt. The Emperor's guards did not take such a matter lightly. They stormed the Duke's estate and executed him in quick order... the fool never even had time to guess where his perfect plan had gone wrong.

Her plan, however, hadn't ended the way she thought it would.

Lyna had hoped that the Emperor would take in the rebellious duke's estate, and she would buy herself an easy life in the Imperial Palace. Perhaps she would even be able to seduce her way into the Emperor's bed. Indeed, when the first thing that happened when she arrived was that she had been summoned naked to the Emperor's chamber, she had thought that was exactly what was going to happen.

Instead, Lyna realized that Emperor Stefan Maximilian-Eugen von Falkenburg was no fool.

Emperor Stefan Maximilian-Eugen von Falkenburg's gaze was cold and calculating as he surveyed Lyna, standing before him naked and vulnerable. His expression remained impassive, devoid of any warmth or desire. With a voice that rumbled low and steady, devoid of emotion, he revealed his knowledge of her actions. He knew exactly how she had manipulated Duke Reke, steering him towards rebellion only to betray him at the crucial moment to elevate herself.

The Emperor's calm demeanor unnerved Lyna more than any outburst could have. His words, each one precise and cutting, made it clear that he saw through her every scheme. He knew about everything. He knew about her first master... about the weapon masters she had seduced and taken secrets from... all of it. He described her as a poisonous snake, unfit for his bed. That only a fool would risk lying with a viper like her.

She had stood there, silent and still, her mind racing. The Emperor's knowledge of her actions was complete, leaving no room for doubt or denial. He had seen through her every move, every deception. The realization that she was utterly exposed was a bitter pill to swallow.

Yet, despite his harsh words, the Emperor had not ordered her execution. Instead, he had offered her a choice. She could serve Emperor Stefan Maximilian-Eugen von Falkenburg as one of his Hands, the lethal assassins that served the throne, or she could leave the kingdom in exile, free... but never to return.

Lyna stood there, her mind racing. The thought of freedom outside the Empire was tempting, a life where she could be her own master. But to abandon the power, the influence, and the reputation she had painstakingly built? It was unthinkable. She couldn't let go of the control she had clawed her way to.

She had made her choice, and the Emperor had approached her and cut the collar from around her neck. With a single slice of the knife, a lifetime of bondage fell away... and in a single moment, Lyna became the single highest-ranked woman in the Empire in the last two centuries, her destiny irrevocably tied to the throne.

Now, as she crouched at the edge of the treeline, surveying the village of Iwase, Lyna's hand tightened around the hilt of her enchanted pistol, the cold metal reassuring. Her past manipulations had paved the way for her current authority. She was ready to seize the oracle and secure her place in the Emperor's inner circle, ensuring that her future was as carefully crafted as her past. She had risen high and would rise higher.

She doubted that the beastkin slut would be so fortunate.

Lyna drew her pistol. "It's time. Attack."


From the temple courtyard, Chiasa watched in horror as the village of Iwase burned below. The once serene town was now a chaotic mess of flames and screams and the sounds of gunshots, with soldiers ruthlessly cutting down anyone who stood in their way. The sight was a stark contrast to the tranquility she had known all her life.

Chiasa, a fox-girl with nine tails and pointed ears, stood frozen, her white, close-fitting silk robes fluttering in the breeze. Her golden eyes, usually so sharp and knowing, were wide with shock. She had seen many futures and guided countless decisions with her visions, but this... this she had not foreseen.

As a beastkin, Chiasa carried the legacy of ancient elves who, in a long-forgotten war, had combined the spirits of elf warriors with animals. The magic that had created her kind was now lost, but the consequences remained. Her metabolism was three or four times that of a normal girl, leaving her perpetually hungry. A diet sufficient for anyone else could leave her starving. This constant hunger was just one of the many inconveniences of being a beastkin.

Her illness over the past few days had been overwhelming, a relentless dread consuming her without any clear vision of what lay ahead. This lack of detail was unprecedented. Usually, her foresight provided at least some fragment of what was to come, but this time, there had been nothing. The absence of her usual clarity had left her vulnerable and unprepared.

Now, as she watched the destruction unfold, Chiasa felt a deep sense of helplessness. How could she guide her people, how could she protect them, if she couldn't even see the danger coming? The realization that her powers had failed her was a bitter pill to swallow, and as the flames crept closer to the temple, she knew she had to act, even if it meant venturing into the unknown without her usual foresight.

A sudden commotion at the temple gates drew Chiasa's attention. A courier, breathless and panicked, burst into the courtyard. "Oracle Chiasa!" he gasped, his voice trembling. "The Empire... they've come for you! You must flee! They're co-"

Before Chiasa could respond, a loud bang echoed through the air, and a flash of light made the fox wince. The courier's throat exploded in a spray of blood, his eyes widening as he went ramrod stiff. Then he went completely limp, his body crumpling to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. Chiasa's eyes widened in horror when he dropped, and she caught sight of the woman standing behind him at the top of the long staircase down: her pistol still smoking with magical energy in her hand.

The woman was striking, with long, blood-red hair and unbelievably bright green eyes that gave her gaze a knife-sharp edge. Her tight-fitting leather armor accentuated her lethal grace, hugging her form like a second skin. She smiled coldly, a predatory glint in her eyes, and slowly lowered her left hand from where it was pressed against the pistol in her right. "Ah... Chiasa, I presume. Finally."

"Why did you kill him?" Chiasa demanded, her voice shaking with anger and fear.

The woman bowed mockingly. "I am Lyna, the Emperor's Hand," she introduced herself, her tone dripping with mockery. "And as of right now, I am your custodian. All oracles belong to the Emperor... you will now come with me."

Chiasa's heart pounded in her chest, staring at the dead man. His name had been Bryn... he was the son of a baker. He brought her breast most days. He liked chasing squirrels. And now, for no reason, he was dead. "Murderer!" she spat, her eyes blazing with defiance. "I would never serve your foul emperor! You attack and kill so many for such a stupid reason!"

Lyna laughed, a low, cruel sound. "Concern yourself with your own fate, beastkin. The lives of others are of no consequence to me... or to you. Not any longer."

Chiasa's eyes flashed with determination as she raised her hands, summoning the raw power of her magic. A surge of energy crackled through the air, forming into a blazing fireball that she hurled towards Lyna with deadly precision.

Lyna's reaction was swift and calculated. She channeled her magic, weaving intricate wards and shields around herself. The fireball collided with the magical barrier, dissipating into harmless sparks that scattered in the wind. Lyna smirked, her confidence unshaken. "Is that all you've got?" she taunted. "I faced more ferocious magic when I was a child in the gladiatorial rings."

Chiasa, however, didn't falter. She conjured a series of lightning bolts, each one crackling with electric fury as they arced toward Lyna. She threw far, far more power into this spell, channeling her rage, pain, and outrage at her people's deaths into destructive blasts of energy.

Lyna's reaction was swift and precise. As the first lightning bolt hurtled towards her, she raised her hand, summoning a shimmering ward that glowed with an ethereal light. The bolt struck the barrier, its energy dispersing into harmless sparks that fizzled out in the air. Without missing a beat, Lyna darted to the side, her movements fluid and cat-like, narrowly avoiding the second bolt that crackled through the space she had just occupied.

The third bolt was faster, but Lyna was ready. She raised her enchanted pistol, aiming with deadly accuracy. A glowing red blast of energy erupted from the barrel, colliding with the incoming lightning bolt in a spectacular explosion. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the courtyard, scattering debris and leaving a scorched mark on the ground.

Ducking low, Lyna took cover behind a nearby statue as the fourth bolt struck. The stone figure, once a proud sentinel, shattered under the force of the magical attack, its fragments raining down around her. Lyna remained crouched, her eyes scanning the area for any further threats, her pistol still charged and ready.

Lyna's fingers danced with arcane energy, weaving intricate patterns that glowed fiercely. She raised her enchanted pistol, its barrel now pulsating with magical power, a stark contrast to the primitive firearms Chiasa had seen some of the soldiers below using. She raised the pistol, pointed it at Chiasa, and squeezed the trigger.

The beastkin oracle saw it coming in a horrible flash of insight. In her mind's eye, she saw the future where she raised one hand, contemptuously tried to slap the bullet away with a casual ward... and got blasted to to cinders. Her eyes widened, and she barely got both of her hands up and crossed in a defense gesture before her body. The bullet struck her crossed arms like a fireball, exploding into a furious blast of crimson energy, and only the perfect defense that her skilled magic was capable of saved her.

Then, immediately, Lyna shot again.

And again.

Blast after blast of destruction crashed into Chiasa's wards, knocking her back inch by inch. Chiasa's eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the spectacle. Pistols were usually crude and weak, mere tools of last resort for those who couldn't wield true magic. Slow to reload, inaccurate, and prone to failure. This pistol, however... this was something entirely different. No ordinary weapon, it was a conduit for Lyna's own formidable magic, transforming each bullet into a concentrated burst of destructive energy.

Lyna's weapon fired with a speed and accuracy that defied belief, each shot a precise strike of overwhelming force. The air crackled with the raw power being channeled through the gun, and Chiasa could feel the ground tremble beneath her feet with each discharge.

"Impossible..." Chiasa muttered, her voice barely audible over the roar of magical energy. She had heard tales of gunmages, warriors who fused their magic with firearms to create devastating weapons, but she had never imagined she would encounter one herself. The reality before her was far more terrifying than any story could convey.

Lyna's lips curled into a predatory smile as she continued to fire, each bullet a testament to her mastery over both magic and weaponry. The courtyard was filled with the deafening echoes of her attacks, a symphony of destruction that left Chiasa reeling. The fox-girl oracle knew she had to act quickly, to find some way to counter this relentless assault. But as she watched Lyna's relentless advance, her mind raced to find a solution, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

Chiasa dodged and weaved, her movements fluid and graceful, but the relentless barrage was overwhelming. It gave her enough space to retaliate, though, throwing energy back at the gunmage.

The two combatants continued their fierce exchange, Chiasa's magic clashing against Lyna's precise gunmanship and defensive wards. The air was thick with the smell of ozone and burning earth, a testament to the intensity of their battle. Chiasa's magic was fierce, and she had the benefit of glimpses of the future, but she had never been in battle... and it was clear that Lyna had spent her life in little else.

Finally, the scarlet-haired killer saw an opening. As Chiasa summoned another spell, Lyna closed the distance between them with a burst of speed, her pistol aimed at the fox-girl's head. Chiasa threw up a desperate ward against the energy... but Lyna didn't shoot. Instead, she leaped into the air, over the sweeping of Chiasa's tail... and drove her foot into the beastkin's skull.

The sound of the impact dominated Chiasa's world, seeming to echo through the courtyard. The fox-girl oracle staggered, her legs wobbling beneath her as she tried to maintain her balance. Her eyes, once sharp and defiant, now glazed over with pain and confusion. She took a few unsteady steps backward, her hands reaching out to grasp at the air as if seeking support from an unseen ally. Her breath came in ragged gasps, each inhalation a struggle as the world around her spun uncontrollably. Her vision blurred, and for a moment, she thought she saw multiple images of Lyna, each one leering at her with cruel satisfaction. The ground seemed to tilt beneath her feet, and she felt a cold sweat break out across her forehead.

Lyna stood over the swaying opponent, her chest heaving with exertion. "In the end, you are no match for the will of the Emperor..."

With a final, desperate effort, Chiasa tried to summon her magic once more, but her concentration was shattered. The energy flickered weakly within her, unable to coalesce into a coherent spell. Her knees buckled, and she sank to the ground, her body trembling as the last vestiges of her strength drained away. As she collapsed, the world faded to black, and Chiasa's consciousness slipped away. The last thing she heard was the distant sound of Lyna's laughter, a chilling reminder of the fate that awaited her.


Lyna stood at the edge of the courtyard, her grip firm on Chiasa's bound form. The fox-girl oracle was secured tightly with ropes, her limbs immobilized, rendering her helpless. Below, the village of Iwase was a scene of utter chaos and devastation. Soldiers moved through the streets, their actions brutal and unchecked. Women screamed as they were violated, their cries mingling with the crackle of flames consuming homes.

Chiasa's eyes were wide with horror, tears streaming down her face as she watched the atrocities unfold. Her body trembled, not just from the physical restraints but from the sheer terror of witnessing such cruelty. "How... how can you do this?" she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Lyna's expression remained cold and indifferent. "This is the reality of power," she replied, her tone devoid of any empathy. "The strong rule, and the weak submit. Your people had their chance to be strong, to resist. They failed."

Chiasa's gaze shifted to the soldiers below, her heart breaking as she saw more villagers being dragged into alleys and forced to submit. The scene was a tapestry of horror, each detail etched into her mind with painful clarity. A young woman, barely of age, was pinned against a wall by two burly soldiers. Her dress was torn apart, revealing her trembling body as they took turns violating her. Her screams were muffled by the soldier's hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with terror and pleading for mercy that would never come.

Another villager, an older man, was brutally beaten by a group of soldiers who laughed and jeered as they kicked and stomped on him. His cries for help were ignored, his lifeblood seeping into the cobblestones beneath him. Nearby, a mother clutched her child tightly, both of them sobbing uncontrollably as a soldier loomed over them, threatening the baby with his gun as the crying mother squirmed out of her clothing, the cruel soldier's intentions as clear as they were vile.

Chiasa's body trembled with rage and helplessness as she watched the atrocities unfold. She could feel the weight of each scream, each cry for help, resonating within her soul. Her captivity felt like a cruel joke, a mockery of the protection she had once promised her people. She squirmed ineffectively against Lyna's grip, her movements feeble and desperate. "Please... why does it have to be like this?" she begged, her voice a mere whisper of the strength it once held.

Lyna's hold on Chiasa remained firm, unyielding. She watched the scene below with a cold detachment, her expression one of calculated indifference."Because obedience is learned through fear," Lyna explained, her voice almost clinical in its detachment. Her words sliced through Chiasa's heart like a knife. "Those who resist must be broken, their wills shattered. Only then will they understand their place."

Chiasa's tears flowed freely now, her vision blurred by the sheer magnitude of the suffering she witnessed. She could only imagine the pain, the fear, the utter despair that her people were experiencing. And there was nothing she could do to stop it, nothing she could do to save them. Her magic, her foresight, all of it was useless in the face of such overwhelming brutality.

As the soldiers continued their rampage, Chiasa's mind raced with thoughts of their suffering. She wanted to imagine a future of revenge, of justice... a future where such horrors would never be allowed to happen again, where they would only be a distant memory. The oracle, however, knew better... she could see better. Any hope for the future was crushed beneath the weight of the future she could sense unfolding before her. The village of Iwase, once a haven of peace and tranquility, was being transformed into a living nightmare, and Chiasa was powerless to change it.

Lyna's grip tightened on Chiasa's bound form as she began to speak, her voice cold and unyielding. "In the Empire, women are born to be slaves," she stated matter-of-factly. "They are chattel, property to be bought and sold. There are few free women in the entire empire, and those who are free live under constant threat of being taken."

Chiasa's eyes blazed with defiance. "You speak of slavery, yet you aren't a slave," she accused. "You hold power here."

Lyna laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. "You're damn right I'm not a slave," she retorted. "Not any longer. I've done everything in my power to differentiate myself from those worthless sluts with gashes between their legs. Like you." Lyna sneered. "These days, I have my own harem, fox... Humans, elves, dryads, nature spirits, beastkin, even a high-demon succubus. I think I might own the most diverse, impressive collection of personal sextoys in the entire Empire... except for the Emperor, of course."

She leaned closer, her gaze piercing. "And you should know what that means. That I won't fail. I can't. My position hangs by a thread, you stupid subhuman slut. The armies, the generals, the nobles... not one of them likes having a woman in a position of authority over them. If I fail, if I lose the Emperor's favor, I won't simply be a slave again... I won't make it a week before one or more of those jealous, hateful bastards rapes me to death."

She leaned down and bit one of Chiasa's pointed ears, whispering into it. "And I will never let that happen."

Chiasa's defiance remained unshaken despite her predicament. "You will fail," she declared, her voice trembling but resolute. "I will never serve your emperor."

Lyna laughed, a cold, mocking sound that echoed through the courtyard. "Remember that you said that," she replied, her eyes glinting with a predatory light. "You will curse those words before too long."

Without warning, Lyna produced a knife from within her armor, its blade gleaming in the dim light. She dragged it against Chiasa's form, and the fox instinctively tried to wriggle away. The ropes, however, binding her prevented any meaningful movement. "You've been living in these barbarian lands all your life," Lyna taunted as she began to cut away Chiasa's clothing. "Now, I'm going to show you some of the fun tools that real civilization has."

Chiasa protested, her voice filled with fear and anger. "What are you doing? Stop!"

Lyna continued, her movements precise and methodical. "Oh, don't worry," she said, her tone dripping with mockery. "This is just the beginning. You'll see soon enough how much more... enjoyable life can be when you embrace your true purpose."

As Chiasa's robes fell away, leaving her exposed and vulnerable, Lyna's eyes roamed over her captive's body with a mixture of disdain and curiosity. The fox-girl oracle stood before her, her form a breathtaking blend of ethereal beauty and primal allure. Her skin was a flawless, creamy white, smooth and unblemished, save for the delicate tracery of blue veins that hinted at the fierce vitality beneath. Her lithe frame was both delicate and robust, a testament to her beastkin heritage, with muscles that spoke of agility and strength without detracting from her graceful femininity.

Chiasa's breasts were small and pert, their pale peaks crowned with rosy nipples that seemed to beg for attention. Her waist was narrow, accentuating the gentle flare of her hips and the curve of her ass, which was firm and rounded, a perfect handful. Her legs were long and toned, ending in delicate, furred feet that gave her an almost otherworldly appearance. The nine tails that sprouted from her lower back swayed gently with each breath she took, adding an air of mystique and allure to her already captivating presence.

Lyna's gaze lingered on Chiasa's face, taking in the sharp, fox-like features that added to her exotic beauty. Her golden eyes, now wide with fear and defiance, were framed by long, silken lashes and accented by high cheekbones and a delicate, heart-shaped face. Her pointed ears twitched slightly, betraying her nervousness but also adding to her wild, untamed charm.

Despite the situation, there was no denying the raw, primal beauty of the fox-girl oracle. Her body was a canvas of nature's finest artistry, a perfect blend of strength, grace, and sensuality that even Lyna, with all her disdain for the beastkin and their unfair natural advantages, couldn't help but appreciate.

Lyna sheathed the knife once more, her movements deliberate and precise. The red-haired assassin reached into her belt again, and Chiasa's body tensed, expecting some new form of frightening torture. That tension, however, faded to confusion when she saw what Lyna had grabbed... a pen quill, its tip glinting in the sunlight light.

The pen wasn't entirely normal, however... because it had a mana crystal embedded into it.

Mana crystals were rare stones mined from the mountains of the Empire, where slave labor toiled under harsh conditions to draw them out from the Earth. These crystals were infused with mana from the leylines beneath the ancient volcano that marked the Empire's seaboard, making them invaluable for powering the Empire's machines and magical devices. Their existence had been a key piece in turning the nation into the dominant powerhouse that it was.

Chiasa's eyes widened with apprehension as Lyna approached with the pen. "Stay still," Lyna commanded, her voice cold and authoritative. The fox squirmed, trying to evade the impending touch, but Lyna's grip was unyielding. She raised her hand, and with a swift motion, delivered a sharp slap across Chiasa's cheek. The impact echoed through the courtyard, a sound that seemed to mock the fox-girl's defiance.

Chiasa gasped, her head snapping to the side from the force of the blow. But Lyna wasn't finished. She repeated the action, each slap landing with precision, her movements calculated and relentless. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the air, a brutal symphony that left no room for escape.

"Stop... please..." Chiasa whimpered, her voice trembling with pain and fear. But Lyna's expression remained cold, devoid of any empathy. She continued her assault, each slap harder than the last, her hand rising and falling with mechanical precision.

The fox-girl's struggles grew weaker with each passing moment, her body battered beneath Lyna’s cruelty. Tears stung her raw cheeks, emphasizing the stinging pain of the slaps. Her cheeks, once smooth and unblemished, were now swollen and red, a testament to the cruelty she had endured.

Finally, Chiasa's resistance crumbled. She went limp in Lyna's grasp, her body sagging as her strength failed her. Her sobs were muffled, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tried to cope with the pain. The once proud oracle was now reduced to a broken, weeping figure, her resistance shattered by the relentless onslaught.

Lyna tightened her grip on Chiasa's bound form, ensuring the fox girl remained immobilized. She watched with a cold detachment as Chiasa's tears flowed freely, the sight of the defeated oracle bringing a cruel satisfaction to her heart. "I told you to stay still," she growled, her voice devoid of any warmth. "And I do not make requests. Remember that."

With Chiasa subdued, Lyna resumed her task, scrawling words across the fox's chest. "I will never serve your emperor," she muttered as she wrote, her handwriting bold and defiant. As she pulled away, an exact copy of the word the fox had uttered remained etched on Chiasa's skin, glowing faintly with a magical aura.

Lyna smiled, a cruel twist of her lips, and set the pen down. Slowly, the words began to disappear, sinking into Chiasa's skin as if absorbed by her very being. "There," she said with a smile. "Now that the preliminaries are done... I think we should actually get started."

Lyna's eyes raked over her prey’s body as she began to undress, revealing her own body. Her tight-fitting leather armor fell away, exposing her toned, muscular form. Her skin was pale, marked with scars that told tales of battles fought and survived. Her breasts were firm, her nipples were dark against the alabaster skin, and her hips curved gracefully into strong, powerful thighs.

With a flick of her wrist, arcane symbols danced around the assassin's waist, and a moment later, Lyna's magic took form, summoning a phallus made of ice. It jutted from her body like a man's cock, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The cold magic crackled around it, sending a shiver through the air. "We'll start with seeing just how much training your holes are going to need," Lyna whispered, her voice a mix of anticipation and cruelty.

Chiasa's eyes widened in horror as she realized the true intent behind Lyna's actions. She struggled against her bonds, her movements frantic and desperate, but it was futile. Lyna positioned the icy phallus at Chiasa's asshole, her grip firm on the fox girl's hips, ensuring that there would be no escape from the impending violation.

With a slow, deliberate motion, Lyna began to push forward, forcing the cold, unyielding ice into Chiasa's most private place. Each inch of progress was met with a sharp intake of breath from Chiasa, her body tensing as the frigid intrusion began to stretch her beyond anything she had ever experienced. The initial contact sent a shiver through her, the cold magic of the phallus biting into her flesh with an almost painful intensity.

Lyna pushed further, the ice gliding slowly into the tight confines of Chiasa's ass. Each millimeter of progress elicited a soft whimper from the fox-girl, her body overwhelmed by the dual assault of cold and pressure. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pain and fear that left her feeling utterly vulnerable.

As the icy phallus continued its relentless advance, Chiasa's struggles grew weaker. Her body was unable to withstand the combination of physical restraint and magical intrusion. Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps, each punctuated by a new wave of cold that seemed to seep into her very bones.

Lyna's expression remained cold and detached, her focus solely on the task at hand. She pushed until the entire length of the icy phallus was buried within Chiasa's ass, the cold magic crackling around the point of contact. Chiasa's body went rigid; her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to cope with the overwhelming sensation. The cold, unyielding ice inside her was a stark contrast to the warmth of her own body, a reminder of the power and cruelty of her captor.

With the phallus fully embedded, Lyna paused, allowing a moment for herself to savor the feeling of being embedded in the crying oracle. The fox-girl's sobs were muffled, her breathing raw and labored as the pain ravaged her. "We're only getting started," she whispered... and Lyna resumed her task, her movements deliberate and precise. She began to withdraw the icy phallus, only to push it back in, each movement slow and calculated. The cold magic crackled around the point of contact, sending a shiver through the air. Chiasa's body trembled under the relentless barrage, her sobs growing louder with each passing moment.

The fox cried out, her voice a mixture of pain and fear. The ice was relentless, its chill seeping into her very core, numbing and hurting her simultaneously. Each thrust was precise, calculated to maximize her suffering. Below, the village continued to burn, the screams of its inhabitants mingling with Chiasa's own cries. "Stop it! Gods! Stop it! Mercy! Mercy, please!"

Lyna felt the waves of pleasure roll over her, and it was a struggle to keep focused... but the assassin didn't mind. This pleasure, this sensation... this was the surest sign that she wasn't a slave anymore. That she had escaped her old destiny and replaced it with something better. "You should know, beastkin," she murmured, her voice cold and clinical, "that there's a reason I chose to rape your ass. Your suffering brings me great enjoyment. The more you hurt, the better I feel."

She leaned closer, her breath hot against Chiasa's ear as she continued to explain. "Normally, a false cock like this wouldn't bring me any pleasure. It would just be a toy. But with my magic... it's a simple enough of a transmutation. Your agony into my ecstasy, fox. The more you hurt, the more pleasure I feel. Your agony, your suffering... it's all fueling my orgasm." Lyna's eyes gleamed with a predatory light as she watched Chiasa's reactions, each whimper and sob only serving to heighten the killer’s arousal. "I will never show you mercy," she whispered. "The more you hurt, the better it feels for me. Do you understand, fox? Your pain is my pleasure."

With each thrust of the icy phallus, Lyna could feel the surge of pleasure coursing through her body, a direct result of Chiasa's increasing agony. The fox-girl's cries and struggles only intensified her enjoyment, making the experience all the more intoxicating. "Your resistance, your pain... it's all feeding into me," Lyna taunted, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "There's no escape from this, beastkin."

Chiasa's sobs grew louder, and her tears flowed freely as her body writhed beneath the onslaught. She could feel the cold spreading through her, each movement of the icy phallus a reminder of her helplessness. "Please... stop..." she whimpered, her voice barely audible.

But Lyna only smiled, a cruel twist of her lips. "Never," she replied, her tone final. "I will never go easy on you. Cunts deserve to suffer."

After a few more strokes, Lyna grinned viciously as she cast another spell. Her conjured icy phallus transformed, morphing into black rock with electricity arcing up and down its length. She pulled back, and with a cruel smile, shoved the electrified stone into Chiasa’s pussy.

Chiasa screamed, her body convulsing from the shock of the lightning coursing through her. Each thrust sent jolts of pain radiating through her, the electric shocks leaving her trembling and gasping for breath. Lyna continued to fuck her with the electrified stone, her movements deliberate and calculated to maximize Chiasa's suffering.

Below, the flames in the village rose higher, and Chiasa’s desperate eyes found horrible violation after horrible violation among the ruins. Lyna continued thrusting forward with a smile on her face, her voice cutting through Chiasa’s screams as they mingled with those from below. "Those women down there, Fox? They are the lucky ones," she taunted. "Their new owners only want to get laid. Once they stop resisting, the pain will end."

Chiasa's sobs grew louder, her body rocked by shock after shock. "Please... stop..." she whimpered, her voice barely audible.

"Stop?" the assassin said with a disbelieving laugh. "The only way this stops is if you can find something else for me to do... something else that brings me more pleasure than your torment." Her tone was final as she whispered into the captive oracle's pointed ear. "Think hard, beastkin… otherwise, your misery will be all the pleasure I need."

With a flick of her wrist and a quick incantation, Lyna summoned her magic again. As quick as blinking, the electrified stone transmuted into molten rock. Even as the fox-girl screamed in the sudden, fresh agony she pulled out of Chiasa's pussy and pushed the searing hot stone back into her ass once again. The blue-haired oracle's screams intensified, the fiery rock burning her flesh with an almost unbearable intensity. Each thrust was a reminder of her helplessness, the hot stone scalding her insides with each movement.

Lyna's eyes remained fixed on Chiasa's face, watching for any sign of resistance or submission. "Your pain is my pleasure," she taunted, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "There's no escape from this, beastkin. You belong to me now... and until I deliver you to the Emperor, I... and only I... decide what happens to you."

Chiasa's screams rang through the air, her body writhing under the dual torment of the flame-filled stone cock and the relentless assault on her dignity. The heat seared her insides, each movement of Lyna's hand causing fresh waves of agony to ripple through her. "Please... make it stop," Chiasa gasped between sobs, her voice trembling with desperation. "I'll do anything! Stop it!"

Lyna's eyes gleamed with sadistic cruelty as she paused, the molten rock still embedded within Chiasa's ass. "Oh? And what do you propose I do instead?" she asked, her tone mocking. "What can you offer to me more valuable than your torment?"

Chiasa hesitated, her mind racing for any possible way to end her suffering. "I... I can serve you," she screamed, her voice trembling with humiliation. "I can... I can be your personal pet! I'll obey your every command, no matter how degrading!"

Lyna's eyes gleamed with interest as she transformed the scorching stone into a rough-textured, vibrating phallus covered in spikes. The vibrations were harsh enough that it felt to Chiasa like it was driving knives into the walls of her ass, and the new sensation made the fox gasp and whimper in horror. "You offer me nothing," she said with a sneer. "You will be that anyway... and I can still torment you the whole way. Try again."

Chiasa, desperate and in agony, quickly spat out her next proposal. "I'll... I'll be your absolute servant!" Her voice was frantic, each word laced with urgency. "I'll do anything you want. I'll clean your chambers, serve your meals, and even pleasure you in any way you desire. Just... stop hurting me."

Lyna smirked, transforming the vibrating phallus into a barbed one that scraped cruelly against Chiasa's insides with every movement. "Not bad," she taunted, "but still not enough to outweigh my enjoyment of your pain."

"Then... then let me be your personal toy! Tie me up and use me however you want, whenever you want! Let me be your plaything!" Chiasa's voice broke, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded.

Lyna's eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure as she changed the barbed phallus into one covered in tiny needles, each needle injecting a mild toxin that caused intense burning sensations. "You already are," she mused. "Is there any way that is better than making you suffer?"

Chiasa gasped, her body writhing under the new torment. "I'll... I'll be your slave in public! Let everyone see how I serve you, how I obey your every command! I'll degrade myself for your amusement! I'll fuck your whole army for you!"

With a cruel smile, Lyna transformed the needle-covered phallus into a spiraling drill that twisted deeper with each thrust, causing Chiasa to scream in fresh waves of pain. "Public humiliation does have its merits," Lyna admitted, "but it doesn't stop me from enjoying your suffering right now. I'm sure you can think of... something... you can offer."

Desperation clawed at Chiasa's mind, each new torment pushing her closer to the edge. "I'll... I'll do something else," she stammered, her voice trembling with revulsion and fear. "I'll... lick your... your pussy for you. I'll pleasure you orally!" Chiasa's heart pounded in her chest as she forced herself to utter the words, the idea of having another woman's cunt in her face revolting to her. She was not a lesbian, and the thought of it made her stomach churn. But as the miserable cock continued to torture her, even that seemed like a preferable alternative to the relentless agony she was enduring. "I'll eat your cunt until you cum, swallow every drop of your juices! I will serve you!"

Lyna's eyes gleamed with predatory interest, a cruel smile curving her lips as those words echoed in the courtyard. Then the words she had inscribed earlier on Chiasa's chest suddenly flared to life. The glowing letters burned with an intense heat, searing into Chiasa's flesh and causing her to scream in absolute agony. Each word, "I will never serve your emperor," now seemed to punish her for breaking her vow, as if her body was rejecting the promise of submission.

Chiasa writhed in pain, her body convulsing under the dual torment of the flaming words and the still-embedded lightning-charged shaft. Tears streamed down her face as she gasped for breath, each sob punctuated by the searing pain across her chest. "Please... stop... it hurts..." she whimpered, her voice trembling with desperation.

Lyna watched with cold satisfaction, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "But I'm not hurting you, beastkin," she taunted. "You're doing it to yourself. You are the one who made the promise... and now you are going to endure the consequences of breaking that oath for all time."

Chiasa's screams echoed through the courtyard, her body trembling under the relentless assault on her dignity and flesh. The burning words on her chest seemed to mock her newfound willingness to submit, reminding her of the price of betraying her own convictions. "I'll do anything... just make it stop..." she cried out, her voice barely audible over the crackle of flames and her anguished sobs.

"I don't think so," Lyna mused, transforming the torturous phallus into a living tentacle that squirmed and twisted inside Chiasa, exploring every part of her insides with invasive movements. "You just made me another promise, beastkin... and I mean to see you live up to it. Show me how much you want the pain to stop."

With one more flash of magic, the cock transformed again into another of the lightning-charged shafts. Then she pulled away... but the false cock didn't come with her. The thick shaft remained embedded in her guts, occasionally shocking her.

With a flick of her wrist, Lyna summoned another electrified spike of stone, and without any hesitation, she rammed it into Chiasa’s pussy. The fox-girl's body jerked violently, overwhelmed by the dual assault of electricity coursing through her holes. Her screams grew even more desperate, each shock sending waves of agony rippling through her.

Lyna watched with a cruel smile as Chiasa thrashed beneath her, the fox-girl's body spasming uncontrollably from the relentless electric shocks. The screams were indeed musical, a symphony of pain that Lyna found oddly satisfying. It seemed almost a shame to silence them, but she had other plans.

While the fox writhed on the ground, twitching in agony, the assassin stepped forward and positioned herself directly above the fox girl's face and lowered her wet cunt onto Chiasa’s mouth, effectively gagging her. "There," she whispered, her voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. "Now you can show me how much you desire to end your suffering. And I warn you... I have little tolerance for being played with by a jumped-up fucktoy. If I don't get at least as much enjoyment out of your tongue as I got from hurting you, then I have no reason to stay... or to even give you a second chance."

Sobbing, Chiasa began to push her tongue into Lyna's cunt, her movements reluctant. Lyna rode her face in response, practically fucking herself with the other woman's tongue. Each thrust was deliberate, grinding her clit firmly against the fox's nose as she moved back and forth. The warmth of Chiasa's breath and the muffled sobs only added to the wetness that coated her groin.

From this position, Lyna could look down and stare directly into Chiasa's eyes. She could see the clear hatred in them, the disgust at being forced into this act. Chiasa's disgust was palpable, her body trembling with every movement of Lyna's hips. It was evident that she despised being raped by another woman, finding it barely less degrading than the earlier assaults with the strap-on.

Lyna's voice was a low, mocking whisper as she spoke. "You really hate this, don't you? Being used by a woman... it's almost laughable, isn't it?" She paused, enjoying the look of utter humiliation on Chiasa's face before continuing. "I can understand that. I'd be humiliated if anything as worthless and pathetic as another cunt raped me, too." She smiled widely. "That's the difference between us, beastkin. You're pathetic and exist to suffer while I am greater than any woman in the Empire's history... and I am thoroughly enjoying myself."

Chiasa's eyes filled with tears, the sting of humiliation and pain blurring her vision. Desperate to escape the penetrating gaze of her tormentor, she instinctively closed her eyes, focusing on the task at hand with a sense of detached resignation. Each movement of her tongue was mechanical, driven by the desperate hope that compliance might somehow end her torment. The combination of her agony and the degradation of being used in such a manner made every second feel like an eternity.

Lyna, however, was not satisfied with mere physical submission. She pressed her thumbs into Chiasa's eyelids, forcing them back open with a firm, commanding pressure. "Look at me," she demanded, her voice cold and unyielding. "Keep your eyes open and look at your goddess." The threat hung heavy in the air, Lyna's fingers poised to dig deeper if necessary. "If you don't, I will press my nails all the way into your eyes. After all, the Emperor only cares about you as an oracle, and you don't need to see to see the future for him."

The assassin could feel Chiasa's heart hammering in her chest as she struggled to comply, her eyes wide and fearful under Lyna's relentless gaze. The tears continued to stream down her face, mingling with the taste of Lyna's arousal that coated her tongue. Each thrust of Lyna's hips was a reminder of her helplessness, the electrified shafts still embedded within her adding to the overwhelming sensation of violation. With each passing moment, the red-haired killer could feel her lastest victim sinking deeper into despair, her resistance crumbling under the weight of her captor's cruelty... and she began actively licking.

Lyna knew what was going to come, and she felt a surge of satisfaction in the instant before a sudden, eerie glow emanating from beneath and behind her. The words she had inscribed across Chiasa's breasts once again came to life, flaring with intense light and casting an otherworldly radiance that illuminated the courtyard like dancing flames.

Chiasa, already overwhelmed by the dual torment of the electrified shafts and the forced oral servitude, found herself unable to contain her reaction. The sudden flare of pain from the burning words caused her to scream into Lyna's cunt, her muffled cries adding a new layer of desperation to her performance. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of agony and humiliation that left her trembling uncontrollably.

Chiasa's sobs were muffled against Lyna's groin, her body convulsing with each burst of magical pain. The combination of physical and magical torment was nearly unbearable, pushing her to the brink of collapse. Yet, even in her despair, she continued to lick and serve, driven by desperation… and her fresh surge of eagerness to submit for mercy caused a new flare of agony.

Lyna leaned back slightly, allowing herself to fully savor the moment as the fox cried and screamed into her wet cunt. "Have you begun to understand, subhuman sextoy?" she mocked, her tone cold and commanding. "This is just the beginning. Your journey to submission has only just started."

As she sat on Chiasa’s face, Lyna continued to speak, her words cold and calculated. "That writing on your chest... every time you take a step towards serving the Empire... which right now means serving me... your earlier words will remind you of the price of your defiance. They will punish you for ever thinking you could resist." Chiasa's muffled sobs and desperate attempts to breathe only fueled Lyna's arousal further. "Within a few days," Lyna taunted, grinding her hips against Chiasa’s face, "you will grow to hate the fact that you ever offered defiance to me... but by then, it will be too late."

The fox-girl's struggles grew weaker as she focused on pleasuring Lyna with her tongue, trying to appease her captor and find some semblance of relief from the constant torment... but her renewed attempts to appease her just caused the words to glow once more, and a fresh wage of agony to overwhelm her.

Lyna leaned in closer, her voice a cold, calculated whisper as she explained the source of Chiasa's increasing agony. "You see, beastkin," she said, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure, "each time you find new depths of desperation to please me, it only hurts you more. Your pain is a direct result of your lack of commitment."

She paused, allowing the weight of her words to sink in before continuing. "I'm going to offer you a word of advice—probably the only kindness I'll ever do for a pathetic little cuntrag like you. The reason it hurts is that you are uncommitted. The only way to make the pain stop is to completely give yourself over to me, to long to serve with your entire body and soul. Only once you have no further to fall will it stop hurting."

Lyna's tone hardened, leaving no room for doubt or negotiation. "It doesn't matter that you're being raped. It doesn't matter that you don't want to be here. It doesn't matter that you are disgusted by having sex with another woman. It doesn't matter that everyone you have ever known is either going to be killed or spend the rest of their lives in slavery. If you want the pain to stop, the only thing that can matter to you from now on is a complete dedication to making me cum as hard as I can... no matter how much it hurts you."

Chiasa's eyes widened in horror as she processed Lyna's words, the realization of her dire situation sinking in deeper with each passing moment. The electrified shafts still embedded within her added to the overwhelming sensation of violation, and the burning words on her chest continued to mock her betrayal of her original oath never to submit.

Lyna watched with an evil grin as Chiasa struggled to come to terms with her fate, knowing that the fox-girl had no choice but to comply if she wanted any hope of relief from the constant torment. For just a second, the assassin rose, her movements deliberate and controlled, then turned around to face down the length of Chiasa's body. With a predatory grin, she lowered herself back down, this time burying Chiasa’s entire face beneath her ass and between her thighs. The fox-girl's muffled cries were silenced once again as Lyna's weight pressed down on her, forcing her to focus entirely on the task at hand.

Grabbing one of Chiasa’s tits in each hand, Lyna began to squeeze and manipulate them like a noble's child with their toys. Her fingers dug into the soft flesh, eliciting a mix of pain and pleasure from the tormented oracle. Chiasa licked desperately, throwing herself into serving Lyna with every ounce of her being, no doubt hoping that committing completely to service would finally alleviate her suffering. It was working fairly well, too... Occasionally, the words on Chiasa's chest flared to life again, causing fresh waves of agony. However, they only flashed twice, much to Lyna's disappointment. No amount of skill with her tongue could ever feel as good to Lyna as the fox-girl’s misery did.

Thankfully, she could fix that.

With a flick of her wrist, Lyna set one of her hands ablaze in a searing inferno while the other became rimed in frost. The magic suffusing her skin protected her from the extreme temperatures, but nothing protected Chiasa from them. The fox screamed as the extreme contrast of sensations washed over her in pain. The sudden shifts in temperature added another layer of torment to the already agonizing experience.

Chiasa whimpered and squirmed beneath Lyna's relentless assault, her body trembling from the dual sensations of heat and cold. Despite the constant pain, she continued to lick and serve... completely committed to her subjugation. Lyna tested the limits of her captive's dedication to compliance. With a cruel smile, she alternated between her fiery and frostbitten hands, slapping around the fox's tits. Each slap was accompanied by a shift in temperature, exposing both breasts to the extremes of hot and cold. One moment, Chiasa's breast would be covered in ice; the next, it would be scorched away with flame.

The constant change between hot and cold added another layer of torture to Chiasa’s rape, and her body trembled from the dual sensations. She screamed over and over again until her throat probably felt like Lyna had stuffed coals down it, and Lyna could feel each shaking agony filling her cunt... and despite the constant pain, the captive oracle continued to lick and serve, completely committed to her subjugation. Lyna ground her cunt against Chiasa’s face, moaning softly to the tune of the fox's muffled screams. "Oh yes, you subhuman bitch... you are going to make an excellent plaything..."

Lyna's rhythmic grinding drowned out the blue-haired fox's muffled cries, each movement a reminder of her helplessness. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lyna reached her climax. She ground her hips against Chiasa’s face one last time before releasing a torrent of juices that soaked the fox girl’s tongue and face. As she came, Lyna leaned back slightly, panting softly, savoring the final moments of her pleasure. Then she slowly rose.

Chiasa lay on the stone floor, her body trembling as she sobbed uncontrollably. The twin torments of the electrified shafts and being smothered beneath Lyna’s cunt had left her utterly broken, her spirit crushed under Lyna's merciless cruelty. The beautiful redhead stood over her, a cruel smile playing on her lips as she watched the fox-girl's despair. "And just think, my beautiful oracle... This is only my first day with you," she taunted, her voice cold and mocking. "The trip back to meet the Emperor will be weeks. After I finish burning Iwase to ashes until there is nothing left and putting everyone the army considers worthy of being let live into a collar, we'll start again."

She leaned down and smiled. "That means I have a few weeks still before I have to present you as a slave of Emperor Stefan Maximilian-Eugen von Falkenburg. Trust me, beastkin... we will make every moment count."

Lyna, her eyes still gleaming with sadistic pleasure, reached down to the pile of her clothing for her enchanted pistol. With a fluid motion, she aimed and fired three rapid shots into the air—one, two, three. The gunmage's blasts sent echoes reverberating through the courtyard and filled the air with streaks of fire, a signal to her soldiers that their commander was ready for them.

As the sound of the shots faded, Lyna swiftly pulled her clothing back on. Her movements were hurried but efficient, each piece of her tight-fitting leather armor slotting back into place with practiced ease. She didn't want to be caught naked when her soldiers arrived; she didn't maintain her delicate freedom by tempting fate.

With that done, she turned her attention to her victim. The two shafts inside of Chiasa wouldn't last too long after Lyna stopped focusing on them, but it was easy to fix that. Her hand went down to one of the pouches at her belt and pulled out two mana stones, pressing them against the two electrified stone cocks. They attached with a snap of released energy, sticking together. The stones glowed with an eerie light as mana flowed out of them in a trickle and into her spell, ensuring that the conjuration would remain active... and painful for her captive. She then adjusted the ropes binding Chiasa ever so slightly to secure the cocks in place, making it impossible for the fox-girl to get them out of her.

She had just finished when a squad of soldiers began to converge on the temple courtyard, carrying a large wooden chest between them. Their boots thudded against the cobblestones as they approached, their faces set in grim determination. Lyna stood tall, her expression once again cold and commanding, as she awaited their arrival.

Chiasa, still bound and tormented by the electrified shafts, lay sobbing at her feet. The fox-girl's muffled cries were a stark contrast to the calm authority radiating from Lyna. The soldiers halted before their commander, their eyes briefly flickering to the sexy, obviously tormented fox. Chiasa's muffled cries filled the courtyard as she felt the renewed agony of the electrified shafts. Her body convulsed with each shock, the pain searing through her with unrelenting intensity, and the soldiers leered at her with open lust before turning their eyes back to the Emperor's Hand. "Report," Lyna demanded, her voice cutting through the air like a blade.

One of the soldiers stepped forward, his voice steady despite the chaos below. "The village is under control, Commander. Resistance has been minimal." He hesitated for a moment, glancing towards the burning town before continuing. "We've secured several captives... women mostly. The men are being... dealt with."

Lyna smiled wickedly. "Are you boys leaving any of them alive when you're finished to take back?" she asked, her tone conveying both curiosity and a hint of impatience.

"Approximately fifty, Lady Hand," the soldier replied, his eyes briefly flicking to Chiasa before returning to Lyna. "Most are young women. A few strong men that will serve in the mines."

Lyna snorted, considering the information. "And are any of them something... worthwhile?" she inquired, her gaze sharp as she assessed the soldier's response.

"Not especially," he admitted. "There's a healer among them who might be a desirable slave. A couple of artisans with some weak magic. We've also found a traveling bard who might serve as entertainment in the Empire."

Lyna's lips curled into a slight smile. "I'm sure she has a lovely singing voice," she said, her voice hardening. "You've all had your fun. You two... bring word to Commander Kael. I want him to ensure we have all the slaves we're keeping collared and ready to transport within the next glass. I won't make the Emperor wait... Any man or whore that can't walk goes into one of the fires."

The soldier nodded briskly, understanding the gravity of his orders. He saluted. "Yes, Lady Hand. It will be done."

As two of the soldiers moved to carry out their tasks, Lyna turned her attention back to Chiasa, who was staring with wide eyes down at the burning town and sobbing. She had heard what the fate of the town was going to be, then. Good. Let it be a reminder to her of the fate of any whore with a gash between her legs, and of the lengths to which Lyna would go to ensure her position within the Empire remained secure.

Lyna grinned an evil grin as she gestured towards the large, wooden chest carried by the soldiers. "Open it," she commanded, her voice cold and devoid of empathy. The chest creaked open, revealing its dark interior—empty, but not for long.

The two remaining soldiers stepped forward, their hands reaching for Chiasa. With little care for her agony, they hoisted her up, their fingers pinching and twisting her burned nipples as they moved her toward the chest. Chiasa whimpered under their rough handling, her body trembling from both pain and humiliation.

As they dumped her into the chest, Chiasa's muffled cries echoed in the enclosed space. Lyna watched with a cruel smile, enjoying the sight of the fox-girl's helplessness. "Why don't you two give her something to keep her company," Lyna instructed the soldiers, her tone dripping with mockery.

Without hesitation, the soldiers undid their pants. Chiasa looked up at them, her eyes wide with terror, no doubt certain she was about to be raped again.

Instead, they began to piss on her.

The initial shock rendered her motionless, her mind struggling to comprehend this new level of degradation. Even as a stream of urine splashed against her face, it took her a moment to react, her instincts slow to catch up with the reality of the situation.

A tiny, choked-off, wordless wail boiled up from somewhere in the fox-girl's throat as she finally managed to close her eyes and mouth... but that was nowhere near enough to stop the fatal wound to her pride. The warm, acrid liquid mixed with the sweat and tears that already coated her skin, creating a vile concoction that seeped into every crevice of her bound form. The electrified cocks inside her sparked and hissed as they came into contact with the urine, shocking her and burning her. Chiasa convulsed uncontrollably, each shock sending tremors through her weakened frame.

Lyna watched with a cruel smile, clearly enjoying the sight of the fox-girl's helplessness. It was evident to her that Chiasa had never considered anything so degrading as even being a possibility. Even with her oracular visions, she had never once seen anything like it in her whole life. The fox’s humiliation was complete, and Lyna relished every moment of it.

As the soldiers' streams of piss fizzled out and they tucked their cocks away, Chiasa was left sobbing uncontrollably, more degraded than she had ever thought possible. Lyna leaned down, her face inches from the fox girl's tear-streaked visage, and spoke in a tone that would have almost been soothing in another context. "Don't worry about the dildos too much, little animal," Lyna said, her voice dripping with false concern. "The shocks they give now won't hurt you too badly. No... Instead, I'm going to use them to make you cum as often as you can... just a slutty little subhuman bitch, squirming in the dark as she cums again, and again and again and again..."

Chiasa's eyes widened in horror, her body trembling at the prospect of being forced into such an unbearable cycle of pleasure and pain. The electrified shafts inside her seemed to pulse with anticipation, ready to deliver both sensations in equal measure. Lyna's smile widened as she watched the fox-girl's reaction, knowing that her message had sunk in deep. "After all, the more pleasure you feel, the more horrible the pain will feel later. That will help me get off... and helping me do that as quickly as possible should be your sole ambition in life now."

Lyna stood back up, her head shaking slowly. "I could almost pity you, Chiasa," she whispered, her tone dripping with false concern. "By the time I'm finished with you, you'll be begging to be a slave for anyone—anyone at all—who doesn't need you screaming in agony to cum. Even if that someone is the Emperor of a kingdom you hate. I could almost pity you... if there was a single slut in the world deserving of pity."

Chisa, her eyes wide, screamed in horror... and Lyna slammed the chest lid shut, sealing the oracle inside the dark, confined space with only the tormenting dildos and the scent of piss to keep her company. The muffled screams of the tormented beastkin could only barely be heard as Lyna stood up straight, her expression one of cruel satisfaction. She turned to the soldiers, issuing orders with a confident air.

"Secure the chest and prepare for transport," she ordered. We have a long journey ahead, and I want everything ready when we depart."

The soldiers nodded briskly, moving to carry out their tasks. Lyna watched them for a moment before she turned to follow, whistling with self-satisfaction as she turned her gaze back to the burning village below. She took a deep breath, savoring the scent of smoke and destruction... already fantasizing about what she was going to do to that fox slut after they stopped for the night...


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