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The Heir of Ailnore

Updated: Jul 20

“I’m really not sure about this,” Saera said, keeping her voice low.

“You never are,” Princess Claudia said, riding along on her horse. “We have it under control.”

The two of them rode down the worn-down section of the King's Road at the front of the group of twelve knights, their horses quickly putting one foot in front of the other for hours. Together, the fourteen of them had faced dozens of dangers, eradicating threat after threat to the people of her kingdom... but Saera never stopped worrying about Claudia putting herself into danger.

Well, she was a bodyguard. That was her job, after all.

“You know, sometimes I feel like you don’t trust my judgment,” Claudia said playfully as they continued down the road.

Saera huffed, her eyes still scanning the surrounding forest for any signs of danger. “Princess, I trust you. I've been with you since before you knew how to tie your shoes, and you know I trust your combat skills more than anyone else’s. But... something is off here."

Princess Claudia was a vision of beauty, with her long, flowing white hair tied into twin ponytails that fell long past her hips. Her clear blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and determination as she surveyed the situation ahead. She sat tall and proud atop her horse, her posture straight and confident. Her armor was intricately designed and molded to fit her slender form perfectly. The white-painted metal gleamed in the sunlight, reflecting her status as a royal and her commitment to protecting her kingdom. The delicate filigree etched into the plates told stories of bravery and sacrifice, whispering of a long lineage of warrior princesses who had come before her.

Princess Claudia smiled. "Of course, something is off. Goblin raiders have been robbing caravans and stealing women right off the King's Road. If the King's Road isn't safe for travel, commerce basically stops on this side of the kingdom. Can't let that happen."

"That's the problem," Saera said, voice forlorn. "When was the last time you saw goblins continually raid the same territory? Usually, they just burn and raze, but banditry? Acting like highwaymen? These goblins aren’t like the ones we’ve faced before. They seem smarter, more organized.”

Claudia cocked an eyebrow at Saera. “What, are you saying you think they have a fancy little strategist back there? Maybe even... a goblin general?” She chuckled.

“No, it’s just...” Saera sighed. “I guess I’m just worried about you, as always. I can’t help it.”

Most of the women around here were humans or elves... Saera was not. She was a wildling... a magic mixture of animal and elf that had been created centuries ago by some sorcerers to be soldiers in their long-ago, far-away war. She was stronger, faster, fiercer than most people... and as the Princess's bodyguard, Saera exuded confidence and competence, always ready to protect Claudia at any cost. Her strength was unmatched, her reflexes lightning-fast, and her skill with a sword was second to none that Claudia had ever seen. Yet, despite her formidable presence, there was a softness to her, a gentleness that she reserved just for Claudia.

Claudia admired Saera's beauty, which seemed to radiate from within. Her dark hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, framing her olive-toned face and capped off by her pointed wolf ears rising out of them. A dark grey tail spilled from a small gap in her armor, swishing back and forth, and her large, expressive eyes were a golden hue. Those eyes held a depth of emotion that few could match, and when they locked onto hers, Claudia felt as if Saera could see straight into her soul.

More than anything, it was Saera's loyalty that Claudia valued most. Through thick and thin, Saera had been by her side, always there to lend a listening ear or offer words of encouragement. She knew that she could rely on Saera to be honest with her, even when the truth was hard to hear. And in return, Saera knew that Claudia would always have her back, no matter what the situation may be.

They were more than just princess and bodyguard; they were friends, confidantes, and partners in crime. Together, they faced countless challenges and emerged victorious, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. It was this connection, this unspoken understanding between them, that gave Claudia the courage to face whatever dangers lay ahead. With Saera by her side, she knew that they could overcome any obstacle, outwit any foe, and triumph over even the darkest of circumstances. She was so much more than the princess's protector - she was a sister, a friend, and the one person who truly understood her destiny.

“Well, worrying won’t change anything, my friend,” Claudia replied, patting Saera’s arm lightly. “We’ll face whatever comes our way together like we always do. And if things get too hairy, we can always retreat and regroup.”

“Yeah, that is true,” Saera agreed, her expression softening a bit. “Alright, let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”

They continued riding in silence for a while, their horses' hooves echoing through the quiet forest.

"I understand your concerns, Saera," Claudia said gently, her hands resting lightly on the reins. "But you know how I feel about this. I've sworn to protect our kingdom from threats like these."

Claudia's fierce determination shone through her soft voice as she spoke of her duty to the people. As the daughter of the reigning Queen, Claudia knew that her mother still had many years left in her rule. Despite the responsibilities that came with being next in line for the throne, Claudia was dedicated to serving her people more tangibly for now. By leading groups of skilled knights to eradicate dangers plaguing the countryside, she hoped to earn the love and admiration of the populace, proving herself worthy of one day taking the crown.

"I know it's not easy for you to see me in danger," Claudia continued, glancing at Saera with a reassuring smile. "But we both agree with Mother that I'm not ready to rule yet. This is my chance to make a difference, to show our people that I care about their safety and well-being."

Saera nodded, understanding the weight of Claudia's words. She couldn't help but feel pride in her friend's dedication to their kingdom and its people. Though it pained her to see Claudia in harm's way, she knew that this was an essential part of her journey towards becoming a just and compassionate ruler.

As they continued down the King's Road, the atmosphere grew tense, thick with anticipation. The knights fell silent, their eyes scanning the forest for any signs of movement. They were all acutely aware that they were heading into unknown territory and that the threat the group faced was unlike anything they had encountered before.

Just as the sun dipped below the treetops, casting long shadows across the road, they heard it – the unmistakable sound of goblin drums in the distance, rumbling through the undergrowth. The knights pulled their horses to a halt, weapons at the ready, as they began to walk into the woods, pushing through them and moving closer to where the goblins were making camp.

Twelve of the most beautiful knights in the realm followed the Princess and her bodyguard through the woods, their armor clinging to their bodies. It had to be that way. As a princess, she needed not only to remain pure and prepared for marriage but also to avoid creating any doubt or questions as to that purity. It would appear as quite a scandal for the princess to be traveling with handsome, strong warrior men. The people would talk, and whisper salacious rumors that would never go away. It was so much better like this. Instead of dark whispers of lust and impropriety, this way, the populace told tales of the warrior angels that descended on their problems, as beautiful as they were deadly... and no one doubted the Princess's purity.

As they progressed deeper into the forest, Claudia and her knights approached the goblin encampment cautiously, their senses on high alert for any signs of ambush. The sound of drums grew louder with each step, echoing through the trees like a furious heartbeat. At last, they reached a ridge above it, looking down into a mess of tents and burning campfires... and Saera looked disturbed.

"The camp is... significantly larger... than I thought it would be," Saera whispered, frowning unhappily as she hid behind a tree, peering down over the rocky outcropping and surveilling the camp. "How many goblins do you count?"

"Two hundred, maybe?" Claudia said with a shrug. "More than enough to cause trouble. No wonder the caravans have been having an issue."

"More than enough to cause us an issue, too, Your Highness..." Saera tried to say. "We should go. Come back with more knights, perhaps. We-"

"Saera, they're just stupid monsters. We can handle them. And it wouldn't do for a Princess of the Kingdom to look weak."

Saera had her doubts, looking down at the camp with pursed lips. They weren't just simple-minded monsters... a look at that camp. There were tents full of stolen wares and food. There was a kitchen station that looked nearly as large and well-organized as an army encampment's. All of the wagons and carriages they had stolen had been arranged to form almost a wall around the camp, and most of them looked like they had been converted into little homes for goblinoids.

All of that took intelligence. These goblins were organized... people, not mere monsters. Simple-minded and brutal people, perhaps, but people who had thoughts and plans. They might be weak, but there were so many of them...

"Alright," Claudia whispered to her comrades. "We need to move quickly and quietly. No heroics – we stick together and take them down one by one. Attack until they break, then cut down as many as we can." The other knights nodded in agreement, their faces set in stern determination. Slowly, they emerged from the cover of the trees, weapons at the ready as they hurried as quickly as they could down the slope towards the distant figures of their enemy.

The goblins were busy preparing for what appeared to be some sort of celebration or ritual. Several smaller creatures scurried around a central fire while larger ones pounded away at their war drums, sending ripples of anticipation through the ranks. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and sweat, creating an oppressive atmosphere that sent chills down the knights' spines.

Claudia motioned for her group to spread out, each knight taking position behind a tree or bush, waiting for the signal to strike. She glanced over at Saera, who gave her a reassuring nod before taking up her own position. With a deep breath, Claudia raised her arm, readying herself to give the order that would unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting camp.

But before she could speak a word, a sudden explosion of movement caught her eye. A group of goblins broke off from the main gathering and started running straight towards them! They must have been spotted somehow – there was no time to waste.

"Now!" Claudia cried out, her voice barely audible above the din of drums. Instantly, her knights sprang into action, charging towards the oncoming horde with battle cries on their lips.

The ensuing melee descended upon them like a tempest, a chaotic maelstrom of clashing steel and spraying blood. Goblins shrieked their battle cries, brandishing crude clubs and spears, while Saera and the other knights parried their blows with disciplined precision. Claudia, focused and determined, called upon her magical abilities to reinforce her allies' strength and speed. As the goblin shamans sent forth bolts of dark magic, she deflected them with shimmering barriers of pure energy.

Saera wielded her enormous hammer with expert grace, crushing the skulls of their attackers with each devastating blow. Her wolf-like agility allowed her to dodge the clumsy swings of the goblins, her sharp canines gleaming in the firelight as she snarled her defiance. Meanwhile, Claudia danced among the fray, her sword a blur as she cut down any enemy foolish enough to approach her.

The other knights fought valiantly as well, each using their unique skills to carve a path through the throng of goblins. One knight summoned a whirlwind of flame, incinerating any creature unfortunate enough to be caught within its swirling embrace. Another conjured an impenetrable wall of ice, halting the goblins’ advance and giving her comrades time to regroup.

Claudia's power increased as the battle raged on, her magic swelling within her veins as she channeled it into her allies. She was a mage-knight of the royal bloodline... her store of mana was far beyond what these pitiful goblin shamans should be capable of, and she would run every last one of them dry before her magic ran out. She would keep herself and her knights fighting and moving with inhuman speed and strength, their armor glowing with an ethereal light as they cut down their foes in rapid succession.

The goblin shamans, realizing they were outmatched, attempted to flee the battlefield... But Claudia would not allow it. With a wave of her hand, she summoned a massive hand of energy, grabbing the fleeing casters and crushing them within its grasp. Their bones snapped like twigs, their bodies reduced to bloody pulp as she released her hold. It was a wasteful use of energy for a mage-knight, but who cared... she had plenty.

Saera swung her massive hammer with deadly precision, crushing bones and sending goblins flying with each powerful blow. Claudia had tried to lift that hammer before and barely managed to keep it off the ground, but Saera swung the thing like it weighed nothing. Her innate ferocity was a terrifying sight to behold, and even the most fearsome of the creatures hesitated before facing her wrath.

Despite their initial advantage, however, the sheer number of goblins soon began to overwhelm the small band of knights. It started with scratches and individual cuts. Warriors being too slow to stop clubs and taking small body blows. One at a time, many of the knights sustained injuries during the fierce fighting, and their stamina was starting to wane... and somehow, impossibly, Claudia could feel her own reserves of magic dwindling as a seemingly endless number of goblins shamans entered the battlefield, throwing more magic at them that required Claudia to counter it... making it increasingly difficult to maintain her protective spells.

Seeing her companions struggling, Claudia knew they needed a miracle to turn the tide of battle. In a desperate attempt to save her friends and complete their mission, she decided to resort to a powerful spell she had been taught but never dared to use before. Closing her eyes, she focused all her energy on evoking the ancient incantation, feeling the magic coiling within her like a living thing.

When she opened her eyes, they were glowing with an ethereal light that seemed to emanate from her very core. The goblins nearest to her froze in terror, their eyes widening in fear as they beheld the terrible beauty of her unleashed power. For a moment, time itself seemed to stand still, as if the entire world held its breath in anticipation of what would come next.

With a deafening cry, Claudia unleashed her spell upon the hapless goblins. A wave of pure force surged forth from her outstretched hands, obliterating everything in its path. Trees were uprooted, boulders shattered, and the unfortunate creatures who happened to be caught in its wake were reduced to little more than smears upon the forest floor.

The devastation was immense, leaving the few remaining goblins stunned and disoriented. Claudia panted heavily, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. The immense power she had unleashed had taken a tremendous toll on her, and she could feel her strength waning with each passing moment. Her magic was spent, leaving her vulnerable and exposed in the midst of the chaotic battlefield.

But there were more goblins.

Claudia watched as more swarmed out of the woods, pouring down the inclines into this valley... and she realized that she had severely miscalculated. They had thought that they had found the goblin camp. Instead, it appeared now that they had found one of the goblin camps... and the others had arrived to slay the interlopers.

To Claudia's horror, however, it was even worse than that. Some of these goblins didn't walk on their own two feet but rode on the shoulders of bound naked women, mostly elves... treating them like horses.

The elven women that the goblins rode were once elegant and graceful creatures, but now they looked like broken shells of their former selves. Their bodies bore the scars of countless abuses, the pain etched into every line and curve. As they moved, their breasts flopped unnaturally, the sensitive flesh stretched by crude piercings that had been inserted through their nipples. Reigns made from rough rope were tied to these piercings, giving the goblins complete control over their mounts.

Claudia felt bile rise in her throat as she took in the degrading spectacle before her. The sight filled her with disgust and terror. She had never seen anything so depraved in her entire life. How could anyone treat another living being with such cruelty? The thought of it turned her stomach... and brought a new ripple of fear through the Princess's mind. Was that the fate that awaited them?

Saera's voice cut through the cacophony of screams and grunts, her tone urgent and panicked. "There have to be thousands of goblins here!" She glanced over at Claudia, her eyes filled with worry. "Form up! We need to protect the princess and retreat back up the hillside!"

The knights responded immediately, forming a protective barrier around Claudia as they began fighting their way toward the relative safety of the forest's edge. They slashed and parried with renewed ferocity, their movements fueled by desperation and determination. Blood flowed freely, staining the ground beneath their feet as they struggled to hold back the relentless tide of goblin reinforcements that poured out of the surrounding woods.

As the goblins charged towards them, their mounts' pierced nipples jiggling with each hurried step, Claudia's knights prepared... and met their charge with all the force they had left. The clash that followed was brutal and relentless. The goblins, fueled by their twisted desires and the thrill of the hunt, fought with a ferocity that seemed almost inhuman. But the knights were equally determined, spurred on by the knowledge that they were fighting not just for their own survival but the survival of the Heir of Alinore.

Despite their best efforts, however, the knights found themselves slowly overwhelmed, bit by bit. The hillside seemed impossibly far away, and each step they took towards it felt like an eternity. The goblins sensed their prey was within reach, and they redoubled their efforts, shrieking and howling as they hurled themselves at the exhausted warriors.

Claudia knew she had to do something, but her magic reserves were depleted, and she could barely lift her sword, let alone cast another spell. As the last line of defense, Saera stood steadfast between the princess and the encroaching horde, her massive hammer swinging in wide, devastating arcs that cleared a path for their retreat.

Yet even Saera's formidable strength could not hold out forever, and the goblins continued to press forward, making their retreat harder and harder.

The first knight to fall was an elf woman. A goblin threw a net over her, and as she struggled to free herself, another goblin tripped her. Seconds later, she vanished into the horde, the goblins swarming over her like a pack of ravenous beasts. Claudia couldn't bear to watch for long before her attention was drawn to the fate of another knight.

A powerful goblin riding a captured elf woman-mount charged forward, wielding a massive club that smashed the shield of a human knight with brutal force. The stunned warrior barely had time to react and reacted on sheer instinct, lashing out... and stabbing through the naked woman. The elf collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony... and the knight that had delivered the killing blow to the innocent woman looked on in shocked horror, pain etched onto her face. In that moment of hesitation, a dozen goblins leaped upon her from all sides, dragging her down beneath their writhing masses. The screams that followed chilled Claudia's blood and sent a shiver down her spine.

The situation grew ever more desperate as the knights continued to fall one by one. Each loss weakened their defenses further, making it increasingly difficult to protect the princess from the relentless onslaught. Saera fought with fierce determination, her hammer crushing skulls and limbs alike, but even her Herculean efforts could not stem the tide indefinitely.

Claudia knew they couldn't hold out much longer. Their best hope now lay in retreating back up the hillside while they still had the chance. She turned to Saera, intending to convey this grim realization, but the words died on her lips as she saw the anguish and despair etched onto the bodyguard's face. They both knew there would be no escape for them.

As if sensing the shift in momentum, the goblins redoubled their efforts, surging forward with renewed ferocity. The knights fought bravely, but their fatigue was evident in every swing of their swords and axes. One by one, they fell beneath the unyielding waves of goblin reinforcements.

With each subsequent loss, Claudia felt a part of her die inside. These brave warriors had given their lives to protect her, and she had led them to this terrible end. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she steeled herself for the inevitable. They had come so far, accomplished so much, only to meet their doom in this godforsaken forest.

Saera, too, was nearing the end of her strength. The once-mighty champion sagged under the weight of her armor, her movements slowing with each passing moment. The goblins sensed their impending victory and pressed their attack with even greater vigor.

Claudia glanced around, searching for any sign of hope, any chance of survival. Her eyes fell upon the handful of knights who still stood, their bodies battered and bruised, their faces etched with exhaustion and pain. Yet they continued to fight, driven by their duty and loyalty to their princess.

With the last of her strength, Claudia attempted to fend off the relentless goblin assault. She slashed wildly with her sword, cutting down several of the creatures that dared to come close. Yet for each one she dispatched, two more took its place, their fierce determination unwavering in the face of her desperate resistance.

One particularly cunning goblin noticed Claudia's weakening state and saw an opportunity to strike. It leaped upon her, its dirty flesh pressing against her face as it tried to smother her. Revolted, Claudia fought with renewed fervor, struggling to throw off the creature from her body.

But the goblin was relentless, its grip like iron on her armor. In desperation, Claudia reached for her sword, attempting to drive it into the creature's chest. She felt a burning pain in her shoulder as the goblin bit down hard, but she didn't let go of her weapon.

With a fierce cry, Claudia plunged the blade into the goblin's heart, its black blood spurting forth. The creature released its hold on her, its lifeless body tumbling to the ground... but more of them were swarming over her. Panicked, the Princess looked around for anyone who could help her... but the chaos surrounding her seemed complete. The remaining knights were now outnumbered a hundred to one, their exhaustion evident in every movement. The situation seemed hopeless. Then the goblin on top of her caught her attention, lifting a rock over his head. With no time to react, Claudia could only watch as he brought it down on her head, agony erupting as the last of her protective spells faded. Her head sank back against the ground... and Claudia's world faded to darkness, her consciousness fleeing from the sordid defeat she had suffered.


“N-No! Please, I-mmph!”

Coming back to consciousness came with a throbbing headache, and Claudia groaned softly as she slowly woke up... her blue eyes fluttering open, seeking the source of the screaming that had woken her... the screaming that had suddenly cut off, muffled or blocked by something. Her vision swam uncontrollably, blurring everything as she tried and failed to remember precisely where she was and what she was doing there...

Then, suddenly, everything came back to her all at once, and Claudia woke with a start, her head pounding and her vision blurred. She felt disoriented and confused, struggling to make sense of her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was being overwhelmed by goblins in the camp, her knights falling one by one as they desperately tried to protect her. Claudia forced her eyes to focus, scanning her surroundings, trying to make sense of what was happening.... and quickly, the princess realized she would have preferred to stay unconscious.

In front of her, Kashera knelt on the floor, her arms bound behind her back and her torn armor exposing her once-pristine body. The beautiful elven battlemage's golden locks were gathered in a giant green fist, while an equally sizeable green cock forced its way into her mouth. Her perfect cheeks were streaked with tears, and her blue eyes pleaded for mercy as she whined and cried unintelligibly around the thick, dirty goblin dick shoved down her throat.

Claudia's heart sank as she realized the horrific situation Kashera was in. The goblins had taken away her magical focus, breaking her staff into three jagged pieces that lay scattered near her kneeling form. Without the staff, Kashera's powerful magic was rendered useless, leaving her defenseless against the attackers.

As she watched her fellow knight being brutally ravished, Claudia noticed the details of Kashera's body. Though small in stature, the elf's breasts were full and round, bouncing and jiggling with each thrust of the goblin's hips. Her toned legs trembled under the strain of the spit roast, and her delicate hands grasped at the dirty floor, desperately seeking purchase.

The goblins laughed and snickered in their guttural language, seemingly aware of Kashera's helplessness. They took turns using her mouth and body, passing her around like a toy, reveling in their conquest. As they continued their assault on the once-mighty sorceress, Claudia felt a surge of hopelessness and dread overwhelm her. This was not how it was supposed to be! The brave and skilled knights were supposed to protect the princess, not end up like this – broken and violated.

Just a few feet from her, another of Claudia's knights suffered a similar fate. Rosa, a large, muscular woman, was a devastating force on the battlefield with her large axe, and she had been overwhelmed by the goblins that swarmed over her. She lay on her back, looking almost small and weak compared to the creatures surrounding her. Her once-powerful form was exposed and vulnerable, her torn armor providing little protection from the cruel hands that roamed her body.

Rosa's face was contorted with anger, her ferocious glare fixed on her attackers as they took turns pushing their tongues into her mouth. Two goblins held her head steady while another plunged his cock between her lips, using her like a toy. The fourth one, just as vile, fucked her tits mercilessly, squeezing and mauling them with his rough hands. A fifth goblin drilled into her pussy, his crude thrusts eliciting muffled screams from the violated knight.

Her magnificent red hair, once a symbol of her ferocity, was now a tangled mess, plastered to her face with sweat and tears. The remnants of her armor were scattered around her, evidence of the futile struggle she had put up against her captors. Even her mighty battle axe, which had once struck fear into the hearts of their enemies, lay yards away, embedded in a wooden post with a goblin sitting casually on its handle.

Despite her best efforts, Rosa couldn't wriggle out from under the weight of the multiple greenskins pressing her down. The strength that had once made her such a force on the battlefield was useless against the sheer number of her attackers. She was trapped, helpless, and entirely at their mercy.

As the goblins continued their assault on her body, Rosa's angry glare transformed into one of desperation. She knew there was no escape, no hope of rescue, and the realization weighed heavily on her. The proud knight, who had once stood tall and defiant against any threat, was now nothing more than a plaything for the savage creatures that surrounded her.

Claudia watched in horror as her fellow knight was brutally ravished, feeling the same hopelessness and dread that had consumed her when she saw Kashera's plight. The realization that they were all powerless against the goblins, that there was no salvation for any of them, brought fresh tears to her eyes.

Claudia's heart pounded wildly in her chest, echoing the frantic rhythm of her thoughts as she struggled to grasp the gravity of her situation. The goblins had captured her and her companions, subjecting them to unspeakable horrors. The once-proud knights were now helpless prisoners, their armor torn and their dignity shattered.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale forming a silent prayer for deliverance. Where was Saera? Her loyal bodyguard was nowhere to be seen, and the absence of her reassuring presence sent a chill coursing down Claudia's spine. The sound of rape and violence filled her ears, quaking her resolve and confirming her worst fears. The rest of her companions, once so brave and steadfast, were suffering the same cruel fate as those in her immediate view.

Claudia closed her eyes briefly, trying to steel herself against the horror unfolding around her. This was by far the worst situation she had ever faced, far surpassing any danger she had encountered in the wilds of Ailnore. The realization weighed heavily on her, crushing her spirit like an enormous boulder.

How could this have happened? They were supposed to be the heroes, the protectors of the realm. Instead, they had become victims, playthings for the depraved goblins to use and discard at their whim. The thought filled Claudia with a sense of hopelessness and despair that threatened to consume her.

Despite her efforts to remain strong, tears streamed down her face, mirroring the torrent of emotions raging within her. Fear, anger, shame, and sorrow collided, creating a tumultuous storm that threatened to drown her. At that moment, Claudia felt utterly broken, her entire world reduced to rubble around her.

The sounds of suffering continued, each scream and cry striking her like a physical blow. Frantically, Claudia looked around for any means of escape. The hut was small and cramped, the wooden walls barely containing the foul stench within. Several goblins lounged around a smoldering fire pit, passing around a crude clay jug filled with some foul-smelling liquid. They leered at her, their eyes shining with malice and lust.

As if sensing her fear, the largest goblin grinned, revealing a mouth full of jagged teeth. He sauntered over to her, the goblin’s hands grabbing roughly at her armor. With a sickening realization, Claudia understood that these creatures intended to strip her of her protection, leaving her utterly vulnerable to their depraved desires.

Claudia let out a tiny whimper instinctively as she felt the green-skinned hands on her body as well, making her squirm and writhe against the goblins holding her... their molestation of her started to escalate now that she was awake. Desperate to avoid such a fate, Claudia summoned her remaining strength and struggled against her bonds. She tried to strain against the bonds, but her limbs felt weak and heavy. No matter how hard the princess fought, she could not break free from the ropes that held her in place. She reached for her magic...

As soon as she tried, Claudia felt the hollow emptiness inside of her—the absolute absence of mana. She had used everything she had, and it hadn't replenished yet. Even attempting to cast magic when she was this dry was a shockingly painful sensation that left her bucking and thrashing on the ground, panting with the exertion of her failed magic.

The lead goblin laughed at her fruitless efforts, spitting on the ground in contempt. His cronies joined in, jeering and mocking her as they began to remove her armor piece by piece. He reached down and grabbed her by the jaw, twisting her head so she was forced to look up at him.

The goblin leader was as monstrous as his fellows, with the usual green face, pointed nose, and sharp, dirty yellow teeth. A few wisps of long black hair were done up in a ponytail. He was... savage, to say the least. And yet, at the same time, Claudia couldn't deny that there was far more intelligence in his dark, beady eyes than she would normally have expected from a goblin. Despite his small size, the goblin's form was absolutely packed with lithe, slim muscle... that made sense, even if Claudia had never had cause to experience it up close before. Goblins were killing machines that did little but eat, fight, and breed. To the princess's terror, it seemed quite possible she was going to experience all three.

"Weak little mage-thing," the goblin hissed, his fanged maw mangling the words... but his meaning was unmistakable. "Thinks to burn. Thinks better than us. She learns not-not."

The goblins circled Claudia like vultures, their eyes burning with lust as they took in her exposed form while the goblin leader held her chin. They worked diligently to strip her of her armor, one piece at a time. Each rattle of steel and clinking of buckles seemed to echo through the forest, marking Claudia's descent into humiliation.

Her once-proud chest plate was ripped away, revealing the thin layer of chain mail beneath. The goblins tore at the links, ignoring the sharp edges that dug into their green fingers in their frenzy to expose more of her skin. As the metal mesh gave way, Claudia's heaving chest was exposed, her nipples hardening in the cool air despite her best efforts to remain stoic.

The goblins cackled in delight, spitting on her pristine flesh as they continued their depraved task. Grime and saliva coated her chest, leaving streaks of dirt across her pale skin. She could feel their greedy eyes devouring her, and she hated herself for the flush that crept up her cheeks.

Tears welled in her eyes as the goblins moved on to her leggings, their rough hands pawing at her thighs and calves. Each touch sent shivers down her spine, a mix of fear and disgust that left her nauseous. Her legs were soon bared, revealing delicate ankles and small feet that had never known the touch of dirt.

But even as the goblins gloated over their prize, Claudia's mind raced, searching for a way out of this nightmare. Yet, with each passing moment, hope faded further from reach, leaving only the cold reality of her situation. She was alone, defenseless, and at the mercy of monsters.

The final indignity came as they stripped away her undergarments, leaving her completely exposed before their leering gaze. Claudia curled in on herself, trying to hide her most intimate parts from their hungry stares, but it was no use. They had seen everything, and she knew there would be no coming back from this.

As the last scrap of cloth was torn away, Claudia cried out in anguish, feeling as though her very soul had been laid bare alongside her body. The goblins jeered and laughed, their laughter twisting her insides with every mocking word.

Where was her bodyguard? Where was Saera? She had faced horrors before, it was true... from pitched battles to assassination attempts, she had been through plenty for her young years, but all of it was always with Saera by her side. Now, without her protector, she felt more vulnerable than ever. The thought of her friend's fate weighed heavily on her heart, and she didn't even know if Saera was still alive.

With her dignity in tatters and her will crumbling, Claudia could only watch in helpless terror as the goblins began to leer and argue over her exposed body in their crude and guttural language, their words dripping with lust and perversion. She knew what was coming, and the thought of it made her want to die.

The goblin leader grabbed Claudia by one of her ponytails, hauling her head up off the ground. She felt something long, and thick, and pungent slap her across the face. It was hot, and hard, and it reeked of a dizzying, uncouth maleness that nearly robbed the princess of her wits... and she found herself eye-to-eye with the creature's engorged member. She had never seen a male's organ before… but even a virginal princess needed no extensive familiarity with anatomical lessons nor much exercise in deductive reasoning to know what this was.

So close to her face, she could make out all the details of the cock, and she could see this more clearly than she saw any of the goblin faces in the darkness. A large, unwashed phallus was draped over her face. Dazedly, feeling a growing sense of horror, Claudia compared its proportions with her own physique and found herself feeling decidedly diminutive. It was far too big for a creature so small… goblin cocks were absolutely massive relative to their size. Despite wanting to think about literally anything else, Claudia could not help but imagine this thing inserted into her vaginal orifice, rammed like an ox goad into her tight, royal virginity.

Her heart raced in fear and disgust as the massive shaft slapped against her cheek, its heat radiating onto her skin. The cock was thick and veiny, its girth rivaling that of a small club, and its pungent odor overwhelmed her senses. The realization of its intended purpose filled her with dread, and she struggled to focus on anything other than the dire situation she now faced. Despite her best efforts to steel herself, the weight of the goblin's cock pressed against her face, a constant reminder of the horrors that awaited her.

“D-Disgusting…” she managed to say, looking at this massive-seeming cock. “I will have nothing to do with your uncivilized debauchery. I-I am a princess, you dirty creatures!” Dimly, Claudia was aware of one of the goblins grabbing her right hand, but she paid no mind… she was too busy staring in horror at the cock in her face. “If you do not want an army of Alinore to descend on you like a storm, then y-you will l-listen to reason and desist postha-”

All of Claudia's manner and vocabulary vanished in a flash of anguish as the goblin holding her sword hand bent back her index finger sharply, breaking it with a sharp snap. Any pretense of composure the princess had left forgotten, the white-haired princess opened her mouth in an agonized scream... and immediately the goblin leader draping his cock over Claudia’s face stuffed it into her gaping mouth, cutting off her cry with a muffled gurgling sound as this fat, throbbing thing was rammed down her throat.

She could taste the cock filling her mouth, a filthy taste that made her gag and retch. The enormous shaft seemed to stretch her jaw wide, pushing further and further down her throat until she felt like she might choke. Her tongue writhed against the rough texture of the engorged member, desperately trying to find purchase as it slipped and slid against her taste buds. Bile rose in her throat, the acidic taste mixing with the rank flavor of the goblin's cock. She couldn't breathe, and panic welled up inside her as she struggled to draw air into her lungs past the obstruction in her mouth.

Claudia's eyes watered from the pain and humiliation, tears streaming down her cheeks as she felt fresh burning in her raw finger. The goblin holding her sword hand roughly jerked her arm, causing the broken digit to twist and scrape against the ground beneath her. The pain was almost unbearable, and she could feel the bones grinding together as the goblin continued to toy with her wounded finger.

Hands gripped every part of her body, exploring and pawing at her newly exposed skin. The touch of their rough, calloused hands made the princess shudder with disgust as she felt a wave of disgust wash over her. They tugged and yanked at her clothes, ripping the fabric away with cruel efficiency. She tried to kick and thrash, desperate to force them off and escape their grasp, but her efforts were futile. The goblins were surprisingly strong for their size, and their numbers overwhelmed her. As they continued to grope and fondle her, Claudia felt her skin crawl. Their fingers probed every inch of her body - her breasts, her hips, her thighs - leaving trails of dirty fingerprints behind. She could feel their hot breath on her skin, and the stench of their unwashed bodies made her gag even more. The realization that they were enjoying her humiliation and pain only added to her misery.

All her kicking struggles did was briefly inconvenience the goblins. The goblin leader holding her ponytail simply tightened his grip and grabbed onto her second ponytail in his other hand, using her hair to yank on her head until Claudia feared her neck would snap. With a cruel laugh, he began face-fucking her in earnest, using them like handles to force her face into his groin. His struggles forced her nose into his wild bush of pubic hair, making her smell his unclean sex as much as she could taste it... forcing her to endure the shame of having this big, fat cock plumb her virgin throat. He thrust his dirty cock into her mouth with increasing speed and force. Each thrust caused her broken finger to bounce painfully against the ground, sending fresh waves of agony through her entire body. She tried to scream, to beg for mercy, but the cock filling her mouth muffled her cries, turning them into incoherent moans and gurgles.

Claudia felt herself growing light-headed, the world around her becoming hazy and indistinct. Her vision swam, and spots danced before her eyes as she struggled to breathe around the goblin's cock. The pain in her finger, the suffocating feeling in her throat, and the constant probing of the goblins' hands - it was all too much.

Despite her innocence and lack of experience, Claudia still had an academic understanding of what was being done to her. She knew women occasionally took men in their mouths. Still, she had to imagine it usually was far better than this, or she couldn't imagine any woman would do it... she had never been able to pursue sex, given the importance of her purity to the kingdom. For similar reasons, most of the knights around here had been disallowed from doing so either, serving as ladies in waiting for the Princess. Even Saera, at the mercy of heat cycles that drove her almost to distraction for a week every few months, had restrained herself for Claudia's entire life, not willing to give any kind of weapon to anyone who would discredit the princess. She had never even kissed a man.

Now, she was doing far more than that. Burning cheeks betrayed the princess's shame as her mouth was shoved back and forth on her rapist’s cock. Calloused, clawed hands grasped at her, holding her down and fondling her. The goblin who had broken her finger was stroking her palm and squeezing her hand, leering at her cruelly. Naked, she lay on the dirty boards of the ruined carriage amid their dirty bodies, and she was used and defiled and ogled by her captors.

The goblin leader fucking her face shuddered, tugging on her tails so hard that Claudia feared he would rip them from her scalp. His cock twitched and swelled in Claudia's mouth. With a final tug on her white hair in both hands, he forced her head down harder onto his groin, pinning her nose against the unyielding bone of his groin, squishing it almost flat.

Claudia's eyes widened in panic as she realized what was happening. The pain in her nose was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to the humiliation she felt as his hot, sticky cum began to fill her mouth. She tried to pull away, but the goblin's grip on her two braided hairtails was too firm. His cock wedged further down her throat than ever before, and she could feel the heat of his semen being pumped directly into her stomach. It was a sensation both foreign and disgusting, and she fought to keep from gagging.

As the last few pulses of cum left his cock, the goblin pulled back slowly, dragging his cock across her tongue and letting her taste his foul cum for the first time. Only then did he release his hold on her ponytails. Gasping for air, Claudia scrambled away from him, coughing and spitting as she tried to expel the vile taste from her mouth. Her tongue felt coated in slime, and the bitter aftertaste made her stomach churn. She heaved, trying to expel as much of the cum as she could.

Seeing this and clearly being angered by it, the goblin leader raised his foot and stomped on her belly. Claudia’s eyes bulged, and she reeled back with a squeal. This cry wasn't muffled by his cock, letting her screech of pain fill the room. Claudia wanted to beg, to bargain with these creatures, but all she could get out was a moaning and whining cry that might have been speech and might have been nothing.

Then the goblin slapped her and grabbed her by the hair again... no. No, it was a different goblin. The leader was now standing beside her. It was a new one perched on Claudia's chest. His grip, however, was still solid and uncaring, and he pulled at her hair and held her fast. Then he slapped her... once with his hand, then twice with a rigid cock. The smell of an unclean musk filled her nostrils, and the lingering flavor of cum was all that she could taste. Every breath was revolting, and every touch was disgraceful, but she was powerless in their hands.

“What does tall-one magic-thing have to say for self?" the goblin leader mocked. "Tall ones think so much bigger than green ones. We think not so big, when you on back, no? Now you cunt-cunt is belong to us, tall-one!"

Claudia tried to squirm away from the goblin's grasp, but her every movement was met with another searing pain in her index finger. The goblin who had broken it was now playing with her middle finger – stretching it back until she could feel the joint straining to its limit. It was as if he knew precisely how far he could push before causing irreparable damage, and he took sick pleasure in tormenting her.

Her bare skin was exposed to their hungry eyes, and every part of her body was subjected to their rough handling. Claudia's sensitive ears twitched as she heard their crass laughter and lewd comments about her naked form. Their clawed hands roamed over her soft flesh, squeezing and pinching without care for her comfort. Some of them licked her skin, leaving a slimy trail that made her shudder in revulsion. Others grazed her with their sharp teeth, testing her limits and checking for any signs of weakness.

The scent of their unwashed bodies filled her nostrils, and she could taste the remnants of the leader's vile seed on her tongue. Claudia felt defiled and degraded, trapped in a living nightmare where she had no control over her own body. As the goblins continued to molest her, she prayed for an escape or a merciful end to her suffering.

“I am to be a Queen you… You…” Claudia gasped as she struggled to find the right words to express the depth of her horror and disgust. Her captors continued to explore her body mercilessly, ignoring her pleas for mercy. She could feel their tongues lapping at her armpits and shoulders, their rough, wet licks sending shivers down her spine. Meanwhile, the goblin standing above her with his groin in her face pressed his legs firmly against her breasts, his sharp toenails digging painfully into her sensitive flesh. “Unforgivable bastards… deviant reprobates… abominable, irredeemable, degenerate blackguards and…” she managed to spit out through clenched teeth, pouring all her anguish into her words.

The goblin standing on her chest pressed his dick over her lips, causing Claudia to shut her mouth tightly. “Tall-tall is dumb-dumb," the goblin leader sneered. "Still thinks she is big-big. We no care for crown of cunt-flesh... what care green-green who wears tall-tall gold on head? Even small greenie learn faster than tall-tall princess. We teach..."

As the goblin leader delivered his sinister speech, two of the goblins grabbed Claudia's arms, their claws digging into her soft flesh. They lifted her arms upward, exposing the tender muscles beneath her smooth skin. At the leader's signal, they sank their needle-sharp teeth into her biceps, dragging them downward like ravenous predators.

Claudia cried out in agony as she felt the piercing pain of the goblins' teeth tearing into her muscles. Her body trembled with fear and pain, and she couldn't help but scream as the goblins continued to feast on her blood. Their tongues lapped at the wounds greedily, savoring the taste of her suffering. Each lick sent a fresh wave of torment through her frame, intensifying the already unbearable pain.

The remaining goblins watched the spectacle with glee, their crude laughter echoing off the walls of the chamber. The leader looked upon the scene approvingly, pleased with the damage his minions were inflicting upon the helpless princess.

As Claudia writhed in pain, the goblins increased the intensity of their assault. They dug their fingers deeper into her arms, using their claws to rip into her flesh even further. The muscles beneath her skin twitched and spasmed, and she couldn't hold back her anguished cries any longer.

The goblin standing on her waited a moment, listening to the sound of her cry, watching the tears spill anew from her eyes. He slapped her across the face again with his cock, which throbbed mightily against her cheek, telling of his arousal... He was enjoying her pain. Then with a harsh laugh, the goblin stuffed his cock down her mouth, muting Claudia's screams before she could say anything more and ramming her forward as he all but fell on top of the princess, slamming her head down against the wooden boards as he buried his cock in her throat.

The goblin leader leaned forward, his breath hot upon her face as he spoke. "See, tall-tall? Green-green not so dumb. We show you what it means to be small and weak. Now you belong to us, and we will teach you your place." The leader took control of her hand, and she felt him grab her right hand's middle finger and press it inexorably farther, farther, farther... until she felt it give. A snap seemed to echo in the room even over the lusts of the goblins and the suffering sounds of the three captive women. "Mage-thing never use magic again," the goblins said sagely. "No better than worm, to squirm and squish-squish."

Claudia's vision began to blur, and her thoughts grew hazy from the pain and terror. Despite her best efforts to remain strong, she could feel herself growing weaker by the moment as the goblin's cock continued to thrust in and out of her throat. The goblins' cruelty knew no bounds, and she wondered how much more she could endure before she finally succumbed to their torments. Her airway constricted around the thick length, cutting off her breath as saliva and tears dripped down her cheeks. The world around her seemed to fade away, and all she could focus on was the searing pain in her arms, magnified by each jarring thrust of the goblin on top of her. Each lick of their tongues brought fresh agony, and she couldn't help but whimper as they continued to violate her body, their claws and teeth piercing deeper with every desperate twitch of her muscles.

As the second goblin took his turn, he grabbed her ponytail in his clawed hand, yanking her head back to expose her throat. With a growl, he thrust his cock into her mouth, driving it deep into her throat with each brutal shove. The force of his thrusts slammed the back of her head against the floor, rattling her brain and making her vision blur even further.

The goblin's rough grip on her ponytail tightened, pulling her hair as he fucked her face relentlessly. Each tug sent a fresh wave of pain through her scalp, reminding her of the once-stylish hairstyle she had been so proud of. Now, her ponytails served only as handles for her rapists, giving them leverage to control her as they pleased.

Claudia felt her lips stretched to their limits, the pressure building inside her skull as the goblin filled her mouth with his disgusting length. Her throat convulsed around his cock, trying desperately to expel the unwanted intrusion, but he held her in place with a vice-like grip. She could feel his crude thrusts harder and deeper, pushing her head against the floor until she thought her skull would crack open.

The goblin grunted with pleasure, his hips bucking forward wildly as he rode out his orgasm. Hot cum flooded her mouth, spilling down her throat as she choked on the unexpected deluge. He continued to face-fuck her mercilessly, pounding away at her defenseless form, until he was satisfied that he had completely broken her spirit. Claudia realized that there would be no escape, no rescue, no happy ending to this story. Their intentions were clear: they meant to violate her in ways she could never have imagined, and there was nothing she could do to stop them. At the moment, Claudia wished she had never been born a princess. In this dark hour, her royal birthright was nothing more than a curse that had sentenced her to suffer unimaginable torment at the hands of monsters.

As this second goblin finished face-raping Claudia, he pulled out of her mouth with a wet pop, leaving her gasping for air. The princess lay panting on the floor. Her head throbbed from the repeated impacts against the hard surface, and her jaw ached from being held open for so long. The taste of the goblin's seed lingered in her mouth, a bitter reminder of her helplessness.

Before she could recover, however, another one took his place. The goblin chieften bent back her pinky finger, forcing her once again to open her mouth so he could shove his meaty cock into her already-abused orifice. This one fucked her face relentlessly, his hips thrusting forward in forceful strokes that left her breathless and disoriented. This third goblin grunted with pleasure as he pounded away at Claudia's face, his rough hands tightening around her head. The princess's cheeks bulged grotesquely as the goblin's cock filled her mouth, completely obstructing her airway. She struggled to breathe through her nose, but the effort only seemed to aggravate the pain in her broken fingers further.

Without warning, the goblin erupted inside her mouth, filling it with a hot, sticky flood of semen. Claudia choked on the unexpected jet of cum, her eyes watering as she tried desperately to swallow it down. As the goblin pulled out of her mouth, a long string of cum connected his cock to her lips, slowly dripping back onto her chin and neck.

A fourth goblin stepped up to take his turn. This time she opened her mouth for him without being told. It didn't matter... the goblin's leader pressed her thumb against the wooden floor until it broke anyway, and Claudia howled in anguish as the goblin forced her jaw open. He shoved inside to the sound of her muffled scream on his length, using her like a sex toy as he savagely fucked her face.

Each pass of the goblin's hips sent fresh waves of pain shooting up Claudia's arm, making her whimper and squirm beneath his grasp. Her blue eyes darted around the room, seeking any sign of hope or rescue, but found only the leering faces of her captors. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized the hopelessness of her situation, the goblins taking great pleasure in her suffering.

As the goblin cum kept flowing, Claudia felt herself growing weaker by the minute, her energy sapped by the constant abuse. Her thoughts grew hazy, and she knew that if she didn't find a way to escape soon, she would surely perish in this pit of depravity.

Her mind raced, searching for any possible advantage she could use against her captors. Her eyes fell upon the broken staff lying near Kashera, and a spark of hope ignited within her. If she could somehow reach the staff and tap into the residual magic still lingering within its splintered remains, she could manage to summon enough power to escape.

But first, she had to survive. As the fourth goblin began face-raping her, Claudia knew that she was running out of time. With each passing moment, the goblins grew bolder and more violent, pushing her closer to the brink of madness. She had to act soon, or risk losing everything.

Claudia clenched her jaw and bit hard into the fourth goblin's cock as he continued to mercilessly face-rape her. The goblin howled in agony, his pain fueling Claudia's desperation to escape. Seizing the opportunity as the goblins momentarily lost their grip on her, she forced herself forward and ripped herself free from their grasp.

She scrambled forward, her left hand outstretched towards the broken staff lying nearby. Her fingers closed around the jagged wood, and she could feel a tingling sensation as the remnants of magic coursed through her. The experienced mage-knight worked her hardest to tap into any residual magic that still lingered within its splintered remains. Claudia concentrated with all her might, trying to summon the energy to save herself and her friend. Tears streamed down her face as she fought against the overwhelming pain and fear that threatened to consume her. Her body shook with exertion...

And nothing happened.

The magic seemed beyond her reach, tantalizingly close yet frustratingly unattainable. Claudia felt the weight of hopelessness bearing down on her. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her breath came in ragged gasps as she struggled to maintain her grip on the staff. The goblins were closing in, their hungry eyes fixed on her, and she knew that time was running out. With a surge of adrenaline, Claudia tried once more to harness the power within the staff. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the magic to answer her pleas for help. A faint glow emanated from the splintered wood, and for a brief moment, she thought she had succeeded. But it flickered and died, leaving her feeling even more helpless than before.

Confusion and panic welled within Princess Claudia as she desperately attempted to harness the magic within the broken staff. As she stared at the splintered wood, she couldn't help but wonder why her efforts were proving fruitless. Her heart hammered in her chest, fear rising within her as the goblins closed in, their hungry eyes fixed on her.

Just then, the entrance to the chamber was filled by the arrival of two goblin shamans, their twisted smiles taunting her as they held their hands upraised, and pointed directly at the princess. It was clear to Claudia that they were countering her weakened magic, easily overpowering her attempts to reclaim the staff's power.

To Claudia's despair, she realized that the two shamans weren't alone. Walking in behind them on her hands and knees, Saera was pulled forth on a leash held by one of the goblins, her once proud and powerful form now reduced to a humiliating parody of her former self. Her arms were bound to themselves, keeping them from upholding, and her ankles were likewise tied to her calves, forcing her to walk on her elbows and knees like a dog.

Saera's beautiful body was covered in bruises, welts, and cuts, evidence of the relentless torment she had endured at the hands of the depraved goblins. The sharp teeth marks on her ivory skin stood out like gruesome souvenirs, a cruel reminder of the violations she had suffered. Thick streams of semen stained her shivering form, leaking out of her violated holes and matting the fur of her tail, a tangible symbol of her degradation and utter defeat.

By far the worst, though, were Saera's eyes. Those eyes, always filled with kindness and intelligence and bravery, were vacant... save for one thing. The only thing in her gaze now was the thing that she denied herself every few months: Lust. The wolf-girl's tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted heavily, her breath coming in ragged gasps. It was clear that the goblin shamans had done something to her, had triggered and amplified the wolf-girls heat in some way... and used it to reduce the brave warrior to little more than an obedient pet. The sight of her loyal protector reduced to such a state filled Claudia with anguish, her heart aching at the terrible fate that had befallen her friend.

The goblins descended upon her, their rough hands grabbing at her arms and legs, dragging her back towards their leader. As they pinned her down once again, Claudia's vision blurred, and she could feel her will to fight slipping away. "Tall-tall is very, very dumb-dumb," the goblin leader said as the shamans came closer, bringing their new pet with them. "Much-much to learn. We all help teach."

The goblin shamans mumbled the words of a spell, and Saera barked a few times in acknowledgment. Claudia realized that her friend was blushing as she did it, indicating that some part of her was aware of how humiliating this situation was, but Saera clearly couldn't stop herself. Saera's eyes locked onto Claudia's, and in them, the princess saw a mix of shame and pleading. It was as if Saera was begging her to understand that she couldn't help what she was doing.

The goblin leader laughed cruelly and pointed at Saera. "Wolf-pet like new trick! Show tall-tall!" he commanded. Saera whimpered, her tail drooping between her legs as she hesitantly crawled towards Claudia. As Claudia watched in disbelief, Saera sat down on her face, putting her goblin cum-stained pussy right against her lips and pinning her down. The intense heat radiating from Saera's core sent a wave of nausea through Claudia, but she couldn't help feeling a twinge of arousal amidst her disgust. It was clear that the shamans had done something to Saera to make her act this way, but what could it be?

Claudia tried to struggle free from beneath Saera's weight, but the wolf-girl's legs were secured tightly around her head, holding her firmly in place. Saera began to grind her hips against Claudia's face, her pussy lips sliding across her mouth and nose. The intoxicating scent of Saera's arousal filled Claudia's nostrils, Clouding her thoughts and making it difficult to focus on anything other than the sensations assaulting her.

Throughout it all, the goblins watched with amusement, laughing and jeering at Claudia's predicament. They seemed to revel in her humiliation and discomfort, taking pleasure in the sight of their rival princess brought low by their twisted magic.

As Saera continued to rock her hips back and forth, Claudia became acutely aware of the fact that she was getting closer and closer to orgasm. It was as if the goblins had not only manipulated Saera's behavior but also heightened both of their sensitivity to pleasure. every touch, every slide of skin against skin sent bolts of electricity through Claudia's body, each one more intense than the last. She knew that if this continued, she would eventually succumb to the pleasure and let loose a wave of ecstasy that would surely please the goblin captors.

Knowing that she couldn't give them the satisfaction of her surrender, Claudia tried with all her might to push Saera off her face and free herself from her tormenter's grasp. But Saera seemed unwilling – or unable – to release her, her hips moving with mechanical precision as she ground herself against Claudia's lips again and again.

Then, she felt goblin cocks pressing against both her asshole and her pussy at once.

Claudia made a pained, muffled moaning sound against her protector's cunt, her concerns about the cumstained pussy above her vanishing as she was presented with a far worse problem.

As Saera continued to grind her hips against Claudia's face, the goblin cocks pressed harder against both her asshole and her pussy. The brutal intrusion was more than Claudia could bear, and she let out a muffled scream, trying desperately to free herself from this nightmarish predicament.

The first inch of penetration felt like an eternity as Claudia's virgin holes stretched to accommodate the thick, veiny shafts. The pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and it seemed to radiate through every nerve in her body. She could feel her muscles straining to resist the intrusion, but the goblins were relentless, pushing deeper and deeper into her sensitive flesh.

With each successive inch, the pain intensified, and Claudia's cries became more desperate. Tears burned her eyes as she faced the faact that there was nothing she could do to stop this violation. Her crumpled form, pinned beneath Saera's weight and the goblins' rough hands, made it impossible for her to fight back or even move. She was completely at their mercy, and they showed no signs of granting her any quarter.

Claudia felt the tips of the goblin cocks finally breach her barriers, and a fresh wave of agony crashed over her. The pressure inside her was almost unbearable, and she could feel her insides being pushed and prodded by the invading shafts... the princess-knight unable to keep resisting as the monsters began to rape her every relevant orifice. It was humiliating to think that these vile creatures were now so deeply embedded within her most private places, taking what they wanted without any consideration for her dignity or well-being.

"Tall tall was fresh!" a goblin voice said, excited.

"Tall-tall gold-crown bleed from cunt for green!" the leader's voice snarled.

As the goblins began to thrust in and out of her, the full extent of the torture became apparent. Each movement sent shockwaves of pain through her body, and Claudia knew that there would be no escape from this living hell. The goblins were going to take their time, savoring every moment of her suffering as they used her for their own twisted pleasure. The combination of the intense pain and the overwhelming sensations assaulting her senses was too much for her to bear.

Saera, still sitting on her face, seemed to sense her distress. She looked down at Claudia with an expression that was equal parts shame and concern, her eyes pleading for forgiveness even as her body continued to move in rhythm with the goblins' pleasure. Claudia couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her friend, knowing that Saera was just as helpless in this situation as she was.

One of the goblins slapped her flopping tits with their claws hands, making the woman weakly squirm beneath them... but that only made her tits jiggle more, inviting more blows. One of her broken fingers was twisted, and then her knee was trodden on with by a goblin's clawed foot. More sharp nails fell upon her naked body. More savagely was she battered, and the more they beat her, the more she writhed—and the more she writhed, the more they beat her.

Claudia never even saw the goblin who came on her, jacking off and issuing his seed all over the side of her face... splattering her pained countenance with his dirty semen. More cum shot out onto her brow, into her hair, and she squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth. Around her came the sound of other goblins chafing their cocks, watching her slump sore and beaten into the dirt, seeing her marked and raped and abused by their fellows.

 The first goblin to fuck her pussy pulled out when he was about to come. He masturbated over the degradation of Claudia's naked royal body and he shot his cum over her belly, marking her navel with his seed even as cum slapped her breasts. At nearly the same time, the goblin raping her ass erupted inside her, flooding a shredded and distended anus with thick, hot cum, and Claudia weakly hissed as his semen seeped into the tears in her anal lining.

While Claudia was being violated by the goblins, Saera could hear her friend's pained gasps and whimpers beneath her. Guilt and despair filled her heart, but she was helpless to do anything but submit to the goblins' desires. As Saera continued to ride Claudia's face, she felt her own arousal building, her body betraying her even as her mind screamed in protest.

Soon, Saera's hips began to move faster, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she neared her climax. Unable to hold back any longer, she let out a muffled woof of pleasure as her orgasm crashed over her, her warm cum pouring into Claudia's mouth and down her throat. Her entire body trembled with the force of her release, and she collapsed forward, her face pressed against Claudia's cheek. Saera barked hoarsely, the tone of her voice thick with shame... but even as she did, she began to ride her oldest friend's face again, trying to grind her needy pussy to another orgasm. The wolf girl didn't even really notice as one of the goblins climbed up to stand on her dark-skinned shoulders, positioning himself above Saera's face, his lewd member mere inches away from her lips. Saera parted her lips, allowing him to slide his cock inside her mouth, and the goblin thrust himself into Saera's throat, using her mouth as though it were his own personal cocksheath.

Beneath her, other goblins continued to use Claudia's body for their pleasure, their rough hands leaving bruises wherever they touched her. More goblins raped her, stuffing their cocks into her holes. More goblins came, shooting ropes of semen onto her bare skin – onto her face, onto her chest, onto her belly, onto her sides and her back. Claudia felt each hot jet of semen as it landed on her, the wetness seeping into her skin and matting her hair. The salty fluid mixed with her sweat and tears, creating a sticky, uncomfortable mess. She wanted nothing more than to escape from this nightmare, but there was nothing she could do as they marked her naked flesh with cum, covering up the scrapes and bruises from her treatment so far.

“P-Please…” she moaned, trying to turn her face away and pull her arms out from beneath her best friend's knees. “Mercy, please! I…”

A goblin... the goblin leader... stepped on her broken hand, and her word vanished in pain as he bround it against the wood. "No talk, tall-tall!" he hissed. "Holes no talk!"

More cocks inside of her. THRUST.

Someone stomped on her other hand. CRUNCH.

Someone kicked her chest as hard as he could. WHOOF.

More blows came, the goblins working themselves up to a fresh wrath at her whimpering after her attack had killed so many goblins, right after momentarily satiating their carnal lusts using her body. Or maybe they still lusted after her body, and they beat her because they got off on seeing her in pain, on seeing her body battered and broken. Whatever the case, they hurt her and they fucked her and they fucked her and they hurt her.

Dimly, she noticed that she was being fucked again, penetrated from both sides by two different men. She could feel her insides pinched between their girthsome cocks, and she was shamefully aware of how she wrapped around their hardness, of how she limply, unresistingly bobbed upon their savagely thrusting cocks.

Frantically, she tried to look past her friend's legs and ass. She couldn't make out much detail, but even if she could she could see nothing but green flesh surrounding her. Princess Claudia whimpered, feeling the men’s cocks throb inside her. With identical grunts of malicious enjoyment, they released, shooting their side inside her.

Pathetically she moaned. All the fingers of one hand were broken, and the wrist of the other was in excruciating pain. She felt like one of her ribs had to have been cracked, Her mouth had been filled now as much with the taste of her own blood as with the taste of her rapists’ cum. Bruises and cuts littered every inch of her body, and here and there she bled from the worse of her abrasions. And there was cum, so much cum. They had marked her all over, over and over again, spraying her down with their seed, emptying their balls into her and onto her until she could barely see an inch of herself that did not at least glisten with a suspect wateriness, and a good deal more that was caked and spattered with thick, whitish semen.

Claudia closed her eyes, not wanting to see any more of this. She wanted to stop thinking. She wanted to stop feeling. She wanted to escape this agony, this living hell, and find her way into the bliss of animal witlessness. But she could not. Even after all this beating, and all this rape, she was still keenly, horribly aware. And with a slowly growing certainty, she suspected that no one would be coming to her rescue. She was the one who had led her knights into this. This was all her fault.

Tears burned Claudia’s eyes, and a knot formed in her throat as she thought this. Almost she wanted to vomit from the pain and the swirling emotions, but somehow, she held on. Nonetheless, she heaved a tortured, moaning sob, and she slumped in the arms that held her, feeling the latest rapists pull out of her abused, stretched-out holes as her best friend came on her face again.


A slave yoke was tight around Claudia's neck, and her hands were in the iron cuffs on its ends. The fingers of her one hand were still twisted at unnatural angles, purplish and broken even months later. Her right leg had been broken and not quite allowed to heal right, so she hobbled as they dragged her forward, her body still dripping with the cum of the goblin's goodbye fuck. The other human knights walked behind her in their own chains, escorted by two dozen goblins riding their naked elven mounts... some of them Claudia's former knights, already broken into their new roles.

Claudia really should have listened to Saera... these goblins were far more organized and intelligent than she had ever considered. Normal goblins did not organize their raids, they just grew and consumed and took until they drew enough attention to bring an army down on their heads. These ones took whatever they wanted and then took it into dark, lawless towns to trade for what they needed with what they had stolen...

Including, in this case, the fucked-out shells of a princess and her remaining knights.

Claudia had slowed down so one of the goblins yanked on her leash, pulling her forward through the market street... her face downcast as she staggered shamefacedly forward. Across her bruised skin were littered the fresh welts and slashes of a whip, the latest reminder of her position and incentive to her cooperation. Blood dripped from the cuts and stained her once smooth, pristine skin, and a still rather shapely body flushed with her miserable awareness of the eyes of the people in the market around her.

The goblins had brought her here to an Ailnore border town on the edge of the kingdom's laws... and more than willing to flout them with its slave market. The goblin leader had made no secret of what was to come to the captive princess and her fallen knights, so for months Claudia had been left to imagine in lurid detail what it would be like to be walked up to the auctioning block and sold to the highest bidder. She had no illusions about the kind of use to which she would be put. They had never let her heal. She only had one good hand, and a gimp let. She was no good for heavy labor, and the princess had no skills that would make her desirable for any sort of domestic tasks. If anyone bought her, it would be only so they could use her the same way the goblins had already proved she was good for.

Knowing that the fate that awaited her was no better than she had just finished living through, Claudia walked with despair... had she been hobbling to the gallows she would have worn no less miserable a face. Even looking down at the stone she couldn't ignore the mutterings of men in the crowd as she passed them, nor the way that so many eyes drifted over her naked body, looking at her injuries with scorn or at her bare skin with lust.

“A goblin’s slave, huh…”

“Maybe you can get her for cheap.”

“But she wouldn’t be good for much in that state.”

“Heh… I can think of ONE thing she’d be plenty good for…”

There was no pity in any of their eyes, and no compassion either. This was a slave market, where people were bought and sold as meat every day... and she was just another piece of merchandise. The only thing she could do to make her stand out from the crowd was to declare that she was their princess, and naive as she had been there was no way she could imagine that making her situation anything but more dire... after all, this slave market of a town had a very tenuous connection to the authority of the crown and law and order. She was just a pleasure slave... and in the shape she was in, she would likely not even be a very valuable one. No, Claudia was fully aware that if someone wanted her, it would be for casual rape and torture and abuse, the same way the goblins had used her.

“Come on,” an auctioneer said to the goblins as they approached. "Get them up here so we can start. Come on, don't you understand me? Fucking goblins..."

The goblins pulled her forward... but Claudia could not climb up the step to the block easily with her injured leg. She strumbled as the leash drew tight, pulling her forward. Pitching forward, she fell face-first onto the auction block, her hurt leg sliding askew and her bare, bloodied, cum-spattered ass raised as if to present to the prospective buyers.

“Get up there, cunt,” the auctioneer laughed. "Stop trying to seduce yourself a husband. So you have holes. So does everyone else." He cracked his whip, landing the thong across Claudia’s helplessly uplifted hindquarters. The woman cried out sharply, a scream that dissolved into sobbing, and she quivered and struggled hopelessly to lift herself on just one good leg.

Finally, after a minute of Claudia earnestly trying and failing to pick herself back up, one of the goblins whispered in his elf-mount's pointed ear. She nodded, and the elf leaned down and grabbed Claudia by the hair, lifting the mage to her feet as she whimpered, then dragging her up to the block and turning her to the crowd so that all could see her bloody, cum-stained, tear-streaked face.

“This bitch is a pleasure slave,” said the auctioneer to the crowd. “A former sorceress, as I understand it. She's been crippled so her magic should be easy to control, but prospective buyers are advised to keep her mana drained." He brought a hand down on Claudia’s ass, directly upon the fresh, bloody cut from the whip, making her whimper.

There was a murmuring among the crowd. Even so thoroughly defiled many eyes lit up at the beauty of Claudia, their gazes glinting with malice... but many also grew visibly wary. Even if deprived of access to her hands and with her mana weakened, a mage could be dangerous. Many possible owners would shy away from daring to harm her out of fear of possible arcane reprisal.

Unfortunately, as the bidding started, Claudia realized that just meant that only the most sadistic ones and the most brutal ones were interested.

A rapid set of arguments and bids followed, and just seconds later a man stepped forward, presenting the auctioneer with a small sack of coins. “I’ll take her,” the man said, leering at Claudia with eyes that told of unfathomable cruelty. “I’ve studied magic myself, so I fear no broken mage-cunt.” He sneered, cupping the princess’s chin.

She stared dolefully, pleadingly into his eyes... But there was only malice in that glance. And it was not the brutal, simple cruelty of the goblins, either. This was a man of some learning... he could doubtlessly devise far more insidious ways to make her suffer if she disobeyed.

The auctioneer counted the coins and nodded to the man. The leash was handed to Claudia’s new owner, and the auctioneer began the process of selling off the next of Claudia's knights to become slaves. Distraught, Claudia stared at the man who had bought her... and he smiled. “Come along, now. If you are a good girl, I will be gentle tonight. And if you are not…” He leered at her broken and bleeding body. “…well, I think you already can imagine what follows.”

Then, he pulled on the leash, leading Claudia back down the steps. In despair, she followed, knowing that this would be her life from now on. She would be bought and sold and used and abused until she finally died of ill use or disease. She was just merchandise, and her life was dirt cheap.

In abject silence, despairing of life and forsaken by hope, Claudia followed her new master home.


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