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The Princess and the Knight


The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the dense forest as Princess Isabel and her devoted bodyguard, Sonya, rode through the winding trails. The rustle of leaves and the soft clip-clop of their horses' hooves filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance that belied the danger lurking in the shadows.

Isabel, her delicate features illuminated by the fading light, glanced nervously at the dense canopy overhead. Her traveling gown billowed around her, the soft fabric whispering against her skin as she clutched the reins of her horse with trembling hands. Though she trusted Sonya implicitly, the prospect of venturing into the unknown filled her with a sense of unease.

Sonya, her crimson hair ablaze in the dying light, rode tall and resolute beside Isabel. Clad in gleaming plate armor that glinted like a beacon in the fading light, she scanned their surroundings with a watchful eye, her grip tight on the hilt of her sword.

Suddenly, a deafening roar shattered the tranquility of the forest, causing Isabel's heart to lurch in her chest. Before she could react, a massive shadow swept over them, blotting out the last rays of sunlight as a monstrous form descended from the sky.

A dragon.

Its immense wingspan blotted out the sky as it swooped down upon them, its obsidian scales gleaming in the fading light. Isabel's breath caught in her throat as she stared up at the creature in horror, her eyes wide with fear.

"Princess, flee!" Sonya's voice cut through the chaos, snapping Isabel out of her daze. Without hesitation, she spurred her horse into action, urging it to gallop away from the looming threat.

But Sonya remained behind, her sword drawn and her shield raised as she faced down the monstrous beast. The dragon landed with a thunderous crash, its massive claws gouging deep furrows into the earth as it loomed over her, its eyes ablaze with evil intent.

"You dare to challenge me, mortal?" The dragon's deep, rumbling growl sent shivers down Sonya's spine. "You are but an insect before my might."

Sonya tightened her grip on her sword, her jaw set in determination. "I may be mortal, but I will not cower before the likes of you," she declared, her voice ringing out clear and defiant.

With a roar of fury, the dragon lunged forward, its jaws gaping wide as it unleashed a torrent of acidic breath. Sonya raised her shield just in time, the corrosive liquid hissing and sizzling as it splattered against the sturdy metal. The force of the impact sent her stumbling backward, her muscles straining against the weight of the blow.

Desperation surged through Sonya as she rallied, her sword flashing in the dim light as she launched herself into the fray. Blow after blow rained down upon the dragon's thick hide, but its scales proved impenetrable, deflecting her every strike with ease.

With a triumphant roar, the dragon lashed out with its massive claws, its razor-sharp talons slicing through the air like scythes. Sonya danced nimbly out of reach, her movements fluid and precise as she evaded the deadly onslaught.

But the dragon was relentless, its fury unyielding as it pressed the attack. Sonya's shield began to buckle under the force of the blows, the metal warping and groaning in protest as it strained to withstand the onslaught.

In a desperate gambit, Sonya launched herself forward, her sword flashing like lightning as she aimed for the dragon's vulnerable underbelly. With a guttural roar of pain, the dragon recoiled, its blood spilling forth in a dark, viscous torrent.

But even as Sonya pressed her advantage, the dragon fought back with renewed ferocity. With a swift motion of its massive tail, it sent her flying through the air, her armor clanging against the ground as she landed with a bone-jarring thud.

Pain seared through Sonya's body as she struggled to rise, her muscles protesting with every movement. But she refused to yield, her gaze locked on the towering form of the dragon as it loomed over her, its eyes ablaze with savage triumph.

With a snarl of rage, the dragon descended upon her, its massive claws closing around her like a vice. Sonya gritted her teeth against the searing pain, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought against the crushing force of its grip.

As Sonya lay pinned beneath the weight of the dragon's massive claws, she could feel the relentless pressure crushing down upon her. Each talon dug into her armor, threatening to rend the metal asunder with every passing second. Pain shot through her body like white-hot needles, but still, she remained trapped, helpless against the might of the beast.

With a triumphant snarl, the dragon tightened its grip, its massive claws digging deeper into the metal plates that encased Sonya's body. The sound of strained metal filled the air, the armor groaning and creaking under the immense pressure as it threatened to buckle beneath the dragon's relentless assault.

Sonya gritted her teeth against the pain, her muscles quivering with exertion as she struggled to break free from the crushing force of its grip. But try as she might, she could not escape, trapped beneath the weight of the beast that loomed over her like a mountain.

With each passing moment, the dragon's claws tore through the metal with savage efficiency, peeling away the layers of Sonya's armor like the skin of a ripe fruit. Piece by piece, the plates fell away, revealing the vulnerable flesh beneath as the dragon's sharp claws cut deep into her skin.

Beneath the armor, Sonya's body was a canvas of bruises and lacerations, a testament to the ferocity of the dragon's attack. Blood seeped from the wounds, mingling with the dirt and grime that coated her skin as she fought to maintain consciousness in the face of overwhelming pain.

Each blow sent waves of agony coursing through Sonya's body, but still, she remained defiant, her spirit unbroken even in the face of certain defeat. With one last desperate effort, she summoned the last reserves of her strength, her voice a defiant cry in the gathering darkness.

But it was no use. As the dragon loomed over her, its eyes ablaze with savage triumph, Sonya knew that her time had come. She had fought with all her might, but in the end, she was no match for the sheer power of the beast that now held her captive.

"You are mine now, warrior," the dragon growled. "You may consider yourself prey of Xavarus... conquerer of everything you call a home." Sonya struggled, and the pressure keeping her pinned beneath his massive paw increased, her screams muffled by the dragon's claw. "Defiant to the end, aren't you?" Xavarus hissed, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "We shall see how long that defiance lasts. I know precisely how to break it..."

Sonya felt something brush her leg and glanced down... and her eyes widened with even further horror. Something had emerged and stiffened between the dragon's legs. She would have called it a dick, but the knight had never seen a cock as large as one of her legs. "No..." she whimpered.

"Yes!" the dragon said with a snarl. "You stopped me from claiming the princess for now... so you can satisfy me instead."

With each passing second, Sonya's world grew darker, her consciousness fading as the dragon's crushing grip continued to dig into her flesh. She felt like a helpless insect beneath the immense weight of the beast, her body pinned to the ground with no hope of escape.

Xavarus, the massive dragon towering over her, chuckled darkly as he tightened his grip, his sharp claws pressing deeper into her skin. "You're quite the feisty one, aren't you?" he hissed, his hot breath washing over her like a searing wind. "But I'll enjoy breaking your spirit, warrior."

Sonya whimpered in pain, her strength failing her as she struggled to maintain consciousness. But even in her weakened state, she refused to give in, her eyes locked on the dragon's gleaming orbs with a fierce determination.

"Defiant to the end," Xavarus sneered, his eyes narrowing with contempt. "But you will submit to me, one way or another. For now, I will take my pleasure from you, and then... we shall see what becomes of your precious princess."

With a low groan, the dragon shifted his position, his massive cock pressing against Sonya's leg. She gasped in horror as she felt the rough texture of his scales against her skin, the heat from his engorged member searing her like a brand.

Xavarus grinned wickedly, his sharp teeth glinting in the dim light as he began to stroke himself. "Let's see how long that defiance lasts, shall we?" he growled, his eyes fixed on Sonya's face as he reveled in her helplessness.

Sonya's heart raced in her chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt the dragon's cock twitch against her leg. She wanted to scream, to fight back, but the pain and the weight of the dragon's grip left her paralyzed with fear.

With a low growl, Xavarus shifted his grip, his claws digging into her hips as he lifted her into the air. Sonya's body dangled limply, her head lolling back as she struggled to breathe beneath the crushing weight.

The dragon positioned himself above her, his massive cock poised at her entrance. Sonya's eyes widened with terror as she felt the tip of his engorged member press against her, the heat and size of it making her feel impossibly small.

"No..." she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper as she tried to twist away from the dragon's relentless advance.

Xavarus laughed, a cruel and mocking sound that sent shivers down Sonya's spine. "There is no escape, warrior," he hissed, his eyes ablaze with sadistic pleasure. "

The beast's cock pressed further against Sonya's entrance, her flesh straining to accommodate the girth of the monstrous member. She could feel the heat radiating from his shaft, searing her skin as he slowly began to push himself inside her. The dragon's eyes burned with savage delight as he watched Sonya's face contort in agony, her body trembling beneath his weight.

"Ah, yes... feel my cock stretching you, warrior," Xavarus hissed, his claws digging deeper into her hips as he began to thrust with increasing ferocity. "You will learn your place as my plaything."

Sonya's screams echoed through the forest as the dragon's cock tore into her, ripping her tender flesh apart. The pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced, a searing agony that burned through her body like wildfire. She thrashed beneath him, her limbs flailing helplessly as he continued to pound into her with relentless force.

Her body was being split in two, the dragon's massive girth pushing her beyond her limits. Sonya could feel her insides tearing, the sharp edges of his scales scraping against her sensitive flesh as he drove himself deeper into her. She was trapped, impaled on his cock, and there was nothing she could do to escape the torturous violation.

Xavarus' laughter filled the air as he reveled in her torment. His cock swelled even larger inside her, stretching her to the breaking point as he mercilessly claimed her body. Her cries of pain were music to his ears, spurring him on to even greater depths of depravity.

Through her tears, Sonya could see the sadistic gleam in the dragon's eyes, his pleasure heightened by her suffering. She hated him, despised him for what he was doing to her, but she was powerless to stop him. He was too strong, too massive, and her struggles only seemed to excite him further.

As the dragon's speed increased, Sonya felt a sudden, sharp pain in her abdomen. The dragon's claws had sliced through her flesh, leaving a deep and bloody gash in her side. His hot breath washed over her, his teeth grazing her neck as he groaned in ecstasy.

Sonya writhed in agony as Xavarus continued to thrust his massive cock into her, the dragon's relentless pounding pushing her to the brink of consciousness. The searing pain in her abdomen was only worsened by the unyielding pressure of his claws, digging into her tender flesh. Each thrust drove her further into the unforgiving ground beneath her, the forest floor scratching and bruising her battered body.

Her screams echoed through the air, mingling with the dragon's triumphant roars as he savored her torment. Xavarus reveled in her helplessness, his eyes burning with a cruel lust as he watched Sonya's body shudder with each brutal impact.

With a savage growl, the dragon grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back to expose her neck. His hot breath cascaded over her skin, his teeth grazing her throat as he whispered dark threats in her ear.

"You belong to me now, warrior," he hissed, his cock pulsating inside her. "I will use your body for my pleasure, and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

Sonya struggled to speak, her voice barely a whisper as she pleaded for mercy. "Please... stop... I can't take any more..."

Xavarus laughed, his cock swelling even larger inside her as he heard her desperate pleas. "Your pain is my pleasure, Sonya," he said, driving himself even deeper into her with a savage thrust. "And I have only just begun."

As Xavarus' thrusts grew increasingly frenzied, Sonya's body was engulfed by a relentless torrent of pain. The dragon's cock stretched her beyond comprehension, its massive girth pushing against her very hip bones, which now provided the only semblance of tightness around his enormous shaft. She felt as though a red-hot sword had been plunged into her core, searing her insides with each brutal thrust. Xavarus tightened his grip on her, lifting her higher to meet his savage rhythm. His claws dug deeper into her hips, drawing fresh blood as he used her like a mere plaything. The humiliation of her defeat and the utter helplessness she now faced consumed her thoughts; a once-proud knight reduced to nothing more than a tool for the dragon's pleasure.

Her cries echoed through the forest, a tortured melody that seemed to drive Xavarus even harder. With every merciless thrust, Sonya felt her insides being torn apart. The sensation of heat and fullness was overwhelming, threatening to consume her very being. Her vision blurred, the world shrinking to the unending torment of Xavarus' violation. Despite her desperate attempts to grasp onto something – anything – that might anchor her in reality, she found herself slipping further and further away. Sonya could feel her consciousness fading, her body giving in to the unyielding brutality of the dragon's assault. A part of her hoped that oblivion would come quickly, granting her some measure of relief from the unrelenting pain and humiliation. But even as her mind began to drift, she knew that the ordeal was far from over – Xavarus would not allow her the peace of unconsciousness until he had thoroughly broken her spirit and claimed her body as his own.

As Sonya's body teetered on the edge of oblivion, Xavarus' movements grew more erratic, his breath hot and ragged against her skin. His massive cock throbbed within her, each pulse sending waves of unbearable pressure through her already ravaged insides. She felt as though she were being split apart, the dragon's cock surging into her with a force that seemed to defy nature itself.

Xavarus threw his head back, his scales rippling with ecstasy as he reached his climax. With a roar that echoed through the forest, his cock pulsed powerfully inside her, flooding her with his hot, viscous seed... far, far too much of it. His swollen balls started to empty into her, and she filled almost immediately... but the cum didn't stop forcing its way into her clogged body with nowhere to go. The dragon's strength and the tightness of her taut, ravaged pussy blocked her opening with his scaled cock, and quickly Sonya's belly swelled unnaturally, stretching in a grotesque parody of pregnancy as the dragon's cum filled her to overflowing. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of searing pain and utter degradation that threatened to shatter what little remained of her sanity.

Her muscles tensed involuntarily as the dragon's seed continued to pour into her, each pulse driving another wave of agony through her body. The heat of his cum was almost unbearable, a burning torrent that seemed to scald her from within. Some small amount of his seed escaped, forcing its way out between her scales and her stretched skin, and that degrading slime dripped down her splayed thighs to the beat of the dragon's massive heart.

As Xavarus finally withdrew his monstrous member, only then did his seed spill from her torn entrance in earnest, dripping down her muscular legs in thick, sticky trails and pooling on the forest-side road in slimy puddles. The sight was humiliating beyond words, a testament to the brutal violation she had endured. The dragon's grip on her loosened, allowing her battered form to collapse to the ground... dropping the defeated knight into the small lake of semen she had coaxed from her violator's ball with her suffering.

Sonya lay limp in the aftermath, her body ravaged and spent. She lay there, gasping for breath, as blood mixed with the dragon's cum stained the ground beneath her. Through tear-blurred eyes, Sonya saw the true extent of the devastation he had wrought upon her. Her once proud and athletic body was now a canvas of bruises, lacerations, and humiliation. The dragon's seed dripped from her in obscene rivulets, a stark reminder of her utter defeat and subjugation. Her once-proud body was now a broken and bloody mess, her flesh torn and her spirit crushed. The dragon had taken his pleasure from her, leaving her to suffer the humiliation of her defeat and the agony of her violation. The pain was relentless, violent evidence of the price she had paid for daring to protect the princess from the monster who sought to claim her.

As Sonya's vision began to darken, she heard the dragon speak once more.

"Now, warrior, we shall see what becomes of your precious princess."

Sonya watched in horror as Xavarus loomed over her, his massive jaws opening wide. The black dragon lifted her effortlessly, his claws wrapping around her bruised torso as he raised her up into the air. The dragon's hot breath washed over her, the stench of his mouth nauseating her as she struggled to comprehend the cruel fate that awaited her... Sonya shuddered as she imagined the searing pain that would come when that consummate predator turned her into his next meal...

But after he was finished with her, then he would go after the princess. "Please..." she gasped, her voice barely a whisper. "I beg you... don't do this..."

The dragon's laughter rumbled through the forest, a deep, mocking sound that resonated with cruel delight. He held Sonya aloft in his massive jaws, her body dangling limply as he savored her terror. "Your valiant efforts to shield the princess were in vain, warrior," Xavarus sneered, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "After I have finished with you, I'll chase her down, and she will be next. Neither of you can escape me."

Xavarus tightened his grip, his sharp claws pressing into Sonya's flesh. She could feel his cum gushing down her legs as his claw squeezed her swollen womb, crushing it out of her like emptying a wineskin... each breath was a struggle against the vice-like hold he had on her. "Did you really think you could protect her? Against me?" he growled, his voice dripping with contempt. "Foolish mortal. If you had run, you might have been able to escape... instead, your defiance only cost you your life and slightly delayed the moment your princess will die."

With deliberate cruelty, Xavarus flicked his forked tongue out, running it along Sonya's throat and chest. The rough texture of his tongue sent shivers down her spine, the sensation both repulsive and terrifying. Sonya shuddered in disgust, her body trembling uncontrollably as she felt the heat of his breath mingling with her sweat and fear.

As the dragon held her aloft, Sonya's thoughts turned to Isabel. The princess was vulnerable, alone and unprotected. The realization filled Sonya with a deep sense of dread and helplessness. She had fought so hard to keep Isabel safe, but in the end, it had all been for naught. Xavarus would claim them both, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. "Feel the weight of your failure, warrior," Xavarus hissed, his grip tightening even further. Sonya's vision blurred as tears streamed down her face, her body wracked with pain and despair. She had given everything to protect Isabel, but it hadn't been enough. Xavarus was an unstoppable force, and they were mere prey for a monster like him.

Sonya's mind raced, trying to find some way to escape the dragon's clutches. They were some distance from town but not that far... and while Xavarus was relentlessly cruel, he did like boasting and taking pride in his victory. Her body might be broken, and her spirit might be shattered, but... maybe if she kept him occupied a little bit longer? The princess might be able to ride to town, might be able to alert the armies and shield herself behind a wall of bows and ballistas. It wasn't much, but it was the only thing that she could think of that might protect the princess from Xavarus's relentless cruelty.

And she could only think of one thing that would make the cruel dragon distract himself with her further.

"Please, Lord Dragon," she begged, her voice choked with pain and desperation. "I'll do anything you want. Just let me live."

The dragon chuckled, his laughter echoing through his mouth and vibrating against her ears. "Anything, huh?" he mused, his tongue darting out again to trace the line of her jaw. "And what would a worthless slab of meat like you offer me for your life?"

Sonya fought to keep the mingled dread and exhilaration off of her face... begging for her life had intrigued the sadistic monster. Of course, it was hard to be too excited about that when it meant he was likely to torment her more.

Sonya, her voice trembling with desperation, began to list the sexual favors she would perform to appease the dragon. "I will... I will lovingly lick your cock clean," she whispered, her words barely audible amidst her ragged breaths. "Every drop of my blood, every trace of our union... I'll lap it all off your scaled shaft." Her eyes darted upwards, trying to gauge Xavarus's reaction as she continued, her tone growing more fervent. "I'm... I'm sorry I made a mess of your magnificent dick, Lord Dragon. I'll lick every inch your length, from its base to its tip, ensuring not a single speck of my filth remains. My tongue will explore every ridge and curve, savoring the mixture of your essence and my pain."

Xavarus's eyes narrowed slightly, his interest barely even seeming to be piqued. "Go on," he rumbled, his tone laced with amusement.

Desperation clawed at her throat... if she couldn't get him interested, then the princess was doomed. "And... and if you desire, I can focus on your most sensitive spots!" she forced out. "I'll lick and suck until you are again ready to take me again." Her voice cracked on the last word, the humiliation of her proposal mingling with her fear. "Then you can... fuck... me..." Sonya continued, her voice barely a whisper as her cheeks flushed with a deep, shameful blush. "But this time... I'll ride you. I'll impale myself on your cock, take you inside me until I can't take any more." Her breath caught in her throat several times as the full degradation of her offer sank in, each gulp a struggle against the rising tide of humiliation.

"And not just there," she added, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and resolve. "I'll... I'll let you rape my ass. I've... I've never taken a man there. I've never even considered it, but... but if you let me live, I'd do anything..." Sonya's eyes squeezed shut, her body quivering as she forced herself to articulate the depths of her submission. The thought of allowing Xavarus to violate her in such an intimate and painful way was almost too much to bear, but the desperate need to protect Isabel drove her onward.

The dragon's expression remained indifferent, his boredom evident. "Is that all?" he taunted, his grip on her tightening ever so slightly.

Realizing her previous offers had failed to captivate him, Sonya knew she had to escalate her proposal. In a desperate bid to keep him interested and buy time for Isabel, she uttered the most desperate, degrading offer she could muster. "Please, Lord Dragon... I will worship you! I will treat your might cock like a god, and I'll be the blushing virgin priestess climbing onto the altar of her god to pay tribute," she whispered, her voice hoarse with humiliation. "I will kiss it, lick it, stroke it with my hands and my breasts. It will be everything I am. I will make you feel like a god."

Xavarus's eyes gleamed with sadistic intent. Then Sonya fell as he dropped her back down to the muddy ground. "Interesting," he murmured, looking down at the naked knight. "Very well, warrior. Let us see if your devotion can truly live up to your defiance."

Sonya, her body aching and bruised, forced herself up to her hands and knees. Each movement was a struggle, but the urgency to protect Isabel drove her forward. She crawled towards the dragon, her eyes fixed on the monstrous appendage that lay before her.

The dragon's cock was an awe-inspiring sight, covered in sharp, hard scales that glistened with a mixture of his cum and traces of Sonya's blood. It was soaked through, the scales slick with the evidence of their earlier encounter. The reek of the dragon's musk and seed filled the air, overpowering and nauseating. The sight of it, slick with their mingled fluids, sent a wave of nausea through her. Yet, Sonya steeled herself, knowing what she had to do. She closed her eyes, steeling herself against the degradation that awaited her.

With a deep, shuddering breath, she extended her tongue, hesitating only briefly before making contact. The scales were rough and abrasive, scraping against her delicate flesh in a way that made her want to recoil. The taste was unbearable—a potent blend of foul musk, metallic blood, and the acrid tang of his seed. Just pressing her tongue against him made her almost long for death... but she needed to do a lot more than that.

Keeping her tongue pressed firmly against the dragon's throbbing shaft, Sonya began to lick. She started at the base, her tongue dragging slowly over the heavy, hairless balls, each stroke a battle against her own instincts. The slime coating them was thick and sticky, adhering to her tongue and filling her mouth with its sickening flavor. Each new millimeter touched by her tongue felt like swallowing poison, and the thought of what she was doing threatened to overwhelm her. She fought back the urge to vomit, knowing that any sign of weakness could seal her fate.

Her tongue moved upward, tracing the length of his shaft with deliberate slowness. Each ridge and valley of his scaled member was a new source of torment, the texture grating against her tongue as she worked to clean every inch. The heat from his cock seemed to penetrate her very being, a physical manifestation of his dominance over her.

As she reached the tip, she paused, her stomach roiling as the full weight of her situation crashed down on her. The knowledge that she was willingly ingesting the remnants of her own violation was almost too much to bear. Yet, she knew she had no choice. This was the price of her life, a life she clung to for the sake of Isabel. Each long, slow lick across the dragon's cock was a reminder of her absolute submission, the foul slime accumulating on her tongue and in her stomach making her feel sicker with each passing moment.

The whole time, she tried not to shiver with the terror... the dragon's razor-sharp claws just feet from eviscerating her. Her teachers had always told her that bravery was facing what needed to be done despite the fear. Right now, though, Sonya certainly didn't feel brave. She felt utterly pathetic; the cumsoaked remnants of her dignity traded for the chance to survive another moment, another breath. The act of worshipping the dragon's dick was a dark communion, a sacrifice of her humanity in exchange for the slim hope of saving the princess. She continued, each movement a testament to her desperation; Sonya didn't think there was any lower she could possibly sink... but for Isabel, she would endure it all.

As Sonya's tongue worked to clean the last traces of his seed from Xavarus's cock, she felt a surge of both revulsion and determination. The dragon's shaft, now glistening with her saliva, seemed to pulse with an unspoken demand for more. With a deep breath, she positioned herself closer, her bruised and battered body trembling as she maneuvered her breasts around his massive member.

Her tits, marred by bruises and the memory of the dragon's brutal grip, pressed tightly against each other, forming a soft, albeit painful, tunnel around his cock. Each movement was a grim reminder of her submission, but she pushed through the pain, focusing on the task at hand. She began to move her chest up and down, using her breasts to stroke the dragon's length, mimicking the act of intercourse.

Every few strokes, she would lean forward, her tongue darting out to lap at the head of his cock, tasting the mixture of her own desperation and the lingering essence of his dominance. The act was demeaning, each lick feeling like a surrender.

The air was thick with the scent of their mingled scents, the forest silent save for the wet sounds of her licks and the occasional grunt from the dragon. The fallen knight was painfully aware of Xavarus's eyes on her, watching her with alien eyes filled with a mix of amusement and satisfaction as he witnessed her degradation. Sonya's arms trembled with the effort, her body protesting every movement, but she continued, her mind focused on the distant hope that Isabel might yet be safe.

As Sonya continued her degrading ministrations, a horrible perspective dawned on her. She was aware that some men wore wraps of sheepskin around their shafts, using them to avoid conception. She imagined herself not just as a mere mortal offering herself in servitude but like she had become a living sheath in her own right. Her body, once a symbol of strength and valor, now twisted and contorted around Xavarus's massive member. Each bruise, each laceration, became part of this new form, a grotesque adaptation to better wrap around and caress the dragon's shaft. Her arms and legs, no longer limbs of a warrior, were extensions of this sheath, moving in sync with the rhythm of her tongue and breasts to please the monster.

The sensation was overwhelming, a violation on a level she had never conceived possible. He had raped her pussy and polluted her womb, but now she was fucking him with her whole life. It was like her entire existence was turned into something that would pleasure the dragon. Every part of her that could touch his cock did so. Her bruises touched his scales, her mouth tasted his seed, and her breath mingled with his hot musk as she gasped for air between strokes.

As Sonya continued her degrading ministrations, Xavarus's cock twitched, signaling his impending climax. Startled, she barely had time to register the warning before the first powerful blast erupted from the dragon's member. The force of his orgasm was staggering; it smashed into her lower jaw with such intensity that her mouth involuntarily snapped shut, causing her to bite down hard on her tongue. The sudden pain mingled with the metallic taste of her blood as well as the thick, viscous fluid now filling her mouth.

The dragon's release was relentless, each subsequent jet more powerful than the last. Sonya was caught in the torrent, unable to escape the deluge of semen that covered her from head to toe. It splattered against her face, filled her eyes, and coated her hair, transforming her once vibrant appearance into a grotesque mask of white. The air was thick with the pungent odor of the dragon's seed, and the sounds of his pleasure echoed through the forest as he continued to pump his essence onto her.

Dazed and overwhelmed, Sonya struggled to breathe through the heavy layer of cum that now enveloped her. Her vision was obscured, her senses assaulted by the overwhelming presence of the dragon's ejaculate. She felt like a statue, frozen in place by the sheer volume and weight of the substance clinging to every inch of her body. The warrior, once proud and defiant, was now unrecognizable beneath the layers of the dragon's jizz, a silent testament to her utter submission.

Blinded as she saw, she didn't see it as Xavarus reached down, but she felt it as his claw gripped her ankle. Her feet were yanked out from beneath her with no more effort than Sonya would have used to trip a toddler, and she was lifted up, up, up as she dangled from his grip on one leg. The world spun dizzily as she dangled precariously, her body a grotesque canvas of the dragon's seed. Blinking furiously to clear her vision as his slime dripped down her face to land on the dirt road, Sonya found herself suspended just inches from the dragon's gaping maw.

The terrified knight stared directly into the abyss. Rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth glinted menacingly in the dim light, each one looking like a small sword poised to slice through her flesh. The stench of decay and acid washed over her, making her gag reflex kick in despite the thick layer of cum already coating her throat. Her heart pounded in her chest, the sound echoing loudly in her ears as she fought to steady her breathing.

"Please, Lord Dragon, spare me," she begged, her voice trembling with fear and desperation. "I... I have served you! Please! Please let me live!"

Xavarus chuckled, the sound deep and resonating, filling the air with a sense of impending doom. "You were an entertaining appetizer, warrior," he admitted, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "But now, my true prize awaits—the princess will not have gotten far. Do not concern yourself, my dear... I assure you, she will suffer far more than you."

Sonya's stomach twisted at his words, the full weight of her failure crashing down upon her. She had failed to protect Isabel, and now the princess was in even greater danger. "No, please!" she cried out, tears mingling with the dragon's seed on her face. "She is innocent! Take me instead!"

With a sudden, vicious movement, Xavarus flicked Sonya upward. The battered and bruised knight soared through the air, her arms and legs wheeling helplessly in a desperate attempt to escape the inevitable. Her heart pounded in her chest, the world blurring around her in a dizzying whirl. In that fleeting moment of weightlessness, Sonya's mind raced with a torrent of thoughts—remorse for her failure to protect Isabel, despair at the fate that awaited her people, and a primal fear that clawed at her very soul.

Then, darkness enveloped her as Xavarus's massive jaws closed around her, plunging her into a crushing, searing void. Her screams echoed in the vastness of the dragon's maw, her voice mingling with the sounds of the dragon's huge, hammering heart. The heat was unbearable, a furnace that threatened to consume her entirely. She could feel the dragon's teeth pressing against her flesh, each point a harbinger of agony.

For just a moment Sonya was trapped there, screaming in raw, almost mindless terror... and then the pain came, and the knight's screams rose to a fever pitch as the dragon's teeth ripped into her flesh, rending her skin and muscle with ruthless efficiency. The pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced - it was a relentless wave that surged through her body, obliterating all thought but the raw instinct to survive. Each bite formed a fiery lance that pierced her limbs, her torso, her shoulders, spreading tendrils of agony throughout her being. Her lungs burned for air, but the dragon's saliva filled her mouth and throat, choking off her cries. The taste of blood and bile mingled with the acrid tang of the dragon's breath, a cocktail of death that numbed her senses even as it heightened her suffering.

As Xavarus lifted his head, pulling Sonya deeper into his mouth, her body convulsed in agonized spasms. Her limbs twitched uncontrollably, a final futile rebellion against the inexorable march of death. The dragon savored her torment, his jaws working slowly, methodically, ensuring that every moment of her existence was marked by unending pain... repositioning her so he could bite again. The last coherent thought that went through the tortured knight's head was that he was chewing on her. With each crushing bite, Sonya felt her consciousness slipping away, the lines between reality and oblivion blurring into an indistinguishable haze. Her vision dimmed, the world reduced to a red-hot crucible of pain and despair. In those last moments, as the dragon's teeth sank into her breasts, her stomach, her legs, her neck, she knew a pain beyond measure, a cacophony of agony that transcended mortal reference.

And then, in the stillness that followed, the world went dark. The pain stopped, and Sonya felt nothing ever again.

The once-proud warrior, who had fought so bravely to protect Princess Isabel, was now nothing more than a lifeless husk. Her bloody body slid down the dragon's throat like a simple slab of meat. Xavarus forgot about her almost as quickly as any other meal... his hunger was sated for the moment, but his lust for destruction and domination was far from quenched.

As the dragon spread his massive wings and took flight, he fixed his gaze on the road ahead where the knight's cowardly charge had fled... the direction which held his next prize. With a sinister smile, he vowed to make the princess suffer even more than Sonya had, ensuring that her people would know the true meaning of pain and loss.


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